SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 8 Shocking Finale Analysis

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 8 Shocking Finale Analysis
Bravo continues its quest to find Ramon Nazario in SEAL Team Season 7, Episode 8, but of course, with personal issues brewing between the team members and hauntings from back home, the hour is packed with drama and action. The final season of the Paramount+ military drama is in full swing, and before it ends, the characters have to hit rock bottom. Unfortunately for Bravo Team on SEAL Team Season 7, rock bottom seems to have come in Episode 8, “Appetite for Destruction.”
After SEAL Team Season 7, Episode 7, Bravo is still in Honduras. The Navy SEALs are on a mission to stop a Chinese fentanyl drug trafficking operation from entering the United States, and that mission begins with taking down Nazario, a former colony of the Honduran Special Forces. Nazario and China have a symbiotic relationship — while Nazario is moving and selling drugs, China is funding his plan to overthrow the Honduran government. So taking down Nazario and proving his connection to China could end the threat. Bravo’s plan doesn’t go smoothly in episode 8, however. Bravo (in Jason’s case) is waiting for word on the stash house they burned down an hour earlier in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8.

Toni Trucks as Lisa Davis, Dylan Walsh as Captain Walch, and David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes in SEAL Team season 7.

They eventually get information on Roberto Dubon, Nazario’s right-hand man, and begin tracking him. Bravo splits into four teams of two — Jason and Drew, Sonny and Davis, Ray and Omar, and Trent and Brock. They get close enough to track Dubon and his crew’s phones, and Omar plants a tracking device on Dubon’s motorcycle. The teams check out different locations where phones were found, and some missions are more eventful than others. Most of Bravo finds nothing, but Jason, who has been too fond of pulling the trigger for an hour, pushes the envelope, and he, Drew, and Omar find a large amount of fentanyl at one of the locations. However, Jason intends to destroy it. As a result, they spend so much time at the location that they encounter some of Dubon’s men. Jason kills them, leaving behind a large number of corpses and a suspicious scene, which understandably angers Davis, whose opinion Jason repeatedly dismisses throughout the SEAL Team season 7 episode. Davis learns that a high-level security meeting between Nazario’s military leaders is taking place at a military concentration camp in the jungle. Nazario won’t be there, but Bravo agrees that now is their chance to undermine him and his operation. However, their plans are disrupted when they discover Ross Curtis, the DEA informant introduced in SEAL Team season 7, episode 4, at the camp. Bravo can’t risk attacking a US citizen. So they try to evacuate without being detected. Unfortunately, someone happens to spot one of the guards Bravo killed and alerts the others, leading to a shootout.

In the final two episodes of the Paramount+ military drama, Bravo will have a big mess to clean up.

The good news is that Bravo escaped unharmed at the end of SEAL Team season 7, episode 8. The bad news is that Curtis’ fate is still unknown, and Bravo has alerted Nazario to their presence. In the final two episodes of the Paramount+ military drama, Bravo will have a big mess to clean up, and if they can’t, it could be the end of their careers.

After Mikey overdoses on SEAL Team season 7, episode 6, Jason is no longer the same. He now believes that war is the final word, just like Curtis told him in episode 5, and refuses to think about anything other than fighting. As a result, Jason takes risks that he normally wouldn’t and shouldn’t. Bravo begins to notice their leader’s erratic behavior, leading Ray to call Jason “a mess.” Jason is looking for a fight on SEAL Team season 7, episode 8. So when he, Omar, and Drew arrive at one of the locations discovered by Dubon, Ray warns Omar to keep an eye on Bravo-1. However, there’s no stopping Jason. As mentioned above, he risks blowing up their entire operation to ruin the discovery of fentanyl at the junkyard. It’s no surprise that Ray (who’s devastated after his confrontation with Ben at the Spenser House) reprimands Omar for not keeping Jason in check. Hopefully Jason will calm down soon and actually face what’s bothering him instead of taking it out on someone else. Davis confesses to Sonny why she went with Bravo to Honduras in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8 — she’s on the run from the Army’s CID. As teased in episode 7, viewers learn that Blackburn discovered that Davis had information that could lead to one of Clay’s brothers attacking General Decker. Basically, Blackburn knows that Davis told Sonny that Decker was responsible for the Mali mission. So,

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