‘SEAL Team’ Season 7 Episode 6 Ending Explained: Bravo Team Has a New Leader, But Can He Match Ray?

‘SEAL Team’ Season 7 Episode 6 Ending Explained: Bravo Team Has a New Leader, But Can He Match Ray?

BANGKOK, THAILAND: A new day, a new challenge, and this time, Bravo Team must carry out a more dangerous operation without their seniors Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) and Ray Perry (Neil Brown Jr) in the latest episode of ‘SEAL Team’ Season 7. As the current season is the show’s finale, things are escalating quickly, with a change in the interactions between the characters and, of course, a new leader for Bravo on the horizon. In Episode 6, Bravo Team is asked to bring Jun Yilin from Cambodia, and since the United States does not have an extradition treaty with the country, the team must bring the man in skillfully and without being detected.

David Boreanaz, A.J. Buckley, Beau Knapp, and Raffi Barsoumian in a still from 'SEAL Team' (@paramount+)

Additionally, the team must wait for the extradition request to be approved before they can bring Jun to Thailand. As things stand, Ray chooses to stay behind to get permission to take Jun to Thailand. So with Ray staying behind and Hayes absent from the action, Bravo Team faces many risks as they struggle to thrive under their new command.

After it is determined that Ray will stay, leadership of Bravo Team is handed over to Omar Hamza (Raffi Barsoumian), who is initially delighted but quickly becomes insecure due to his bad experiences. Frustrated with his poor decision-making, he confides in Drew Franklin (Beau Knapp), who instead urges him to do his best as the team is still alive and well thanks to his leadership decisions, much to Omar’s delight.

In the next scene, Ray is telling Hayes about the difficult ordeal, but the connection is abruptly cut off when Mandy Ellis (Jessica Paré) arrives at the hospital. It turns out that Hayes’ son Michael Hayes, aka Mikey (Ammon Jacob Ford), has accidentally overdosed and is in the hospital, and Mandy comes to comfort Hayes.

In the next scene, while still waiting for clearance, Ray informs Bravo Team of the upcoming attack by the enemy team, who have also blocked their communications, causing Ray to panic. Ray then tells Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks), who advises him not to panic the team and to trust them.

Bravo Team, led by Omar, defeats the stragglers and flees to the border, but as soon as they hit the road, the suspects from the team follow. Omar instructs Sonny Quinn (AJ Buckley) and Drew not to shoot because if they do, the border will close and their chances of escape will decrease, but both have their rifles ready. At the same time, Omar tries to stop them, and luckily, it is an ordinary civilian car. Both Sonny and Drew appreciate Omar’s decision-making abilities, which further increases his confidence in leading Bravo Team.

Ray later joins the team to celebrate their victory, and Bravo Team seems to be in a better mood. Meanwhile, Davis informs Lt. Col. Eric Blackburn (Judd Lormand) that China has also filed for Jun’s extradition, and since he is a Chinese citizen, China’s request will take precedence, implying that Bravo Team’s efforts were in vain. However, Blackburn reminds her that Barvo Team and the DEA’s joint work have proven the proof of concept for integrated warfare, which is a major victory in itself.

Mikey’s condition stabilizes, but Hayes still holds himself accountable and feels guilty, noting that no matter how hard he tries to balance his life as a Bravo member and a father, he always fails. While Mandy makes every effort to lift him up, he ominously declares, “The war will have its conclusion,” and then walks away, leaving her stunned and wondering if Hayes will ever get out of the mess.

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