SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 5: Tension Between Jason and Ray?

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 5: Tension Between Jason and Ray?
As you prepare to watch SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 5 on Paramount+ next week, you may feel both happy and sad.

Finally, consider the following. At the end of this season, we are halfway through the final season. While it may be the right time for the series to continue in some way after this season, that doesn’t make things easy. We’ve grown attached to these characters, and the last thing we want is to see their stories end on an unsatisfactory note!

Fortunately, we think there’s still room for a happy ending, or close to it, but there will be plenty of trials and tribulations ahead. You’ll see some of that play out in this next episode, presumably between Jason and Ray based on how episode 4 ended. Ray begins to question Jason’s priorities out in the field and whether he truly has Bravo’s best interests at heart. Jason has fought through a lot, including a traumatic brain injury. But is he still the right man for the job? That’s clearly one of the things this episode will have to figure out.

We’d love to say that episode 5 will provide some semblance of an answer, and even with that, it’s hard to say for sure. Instead, things will build slowly in SEAL Team’s final chapter, as many of the decisions made here are decisions that hinge on Bravo’s long-term future as a unit. As many of you may know, these aren’t choices that can be made overnight. It takes time, effort, and difficult conversations before clarity can begin to emerge.

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