SEAL Team Ends: How Jason Hayes’ Story Ends

SEAL Team Ends: How Jason Hayes’ Story Ends

SEAL Team is over — so does it end in a way that satisfies everyone?

Well, first of all, it’s easy to say that endings are hard to come by; however, the show at least honored everyone who was involved in a truly respectful way. So many characters had their moments to shine, whether it was Jason, Ray, Sonny, or Davis.

First of all, we should celebrate the fact that David Boreanaz’s character didn’t die, which was a significant concern for much of the season. He’s now living off the coast with Mandy, seemingly working to make sure that the war “isn’t the last word.” (Fittingly, “The Last Word” is the title of this particular episode.) In some ways, all of these characters are still working to serve in their own ways. Ray has found himself in the best possible position to help the veterans who need it most, Sonny wants to do what he can to make Lisa’s dream come true, and there’s a sense of peace in the conflict and drama we’ve seen over the years. These aren’t characters who can shake off the past, and we don’t think that was ever the real intention here. Instead, it’s about using that past to create a better future.

Kudos to SEAL Team for finding a way to include so many characters we’ve seen over the years, and kudos to the producers for understanding that there’s a balance between nostalgia and present-day conflict that a show like this needs.

Will we miss this?
A million percent, because few other shows even attempt to depict the struggles of active duty and veterans like this one does. However, it’s fitting that we get what seems like the most hopeful ending yet, and one that even honors the loss of Clay, arguably the most tragic death in the show’s history.

What did you think of the events of the SEAL Team series finale?
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