‘SEAL Team’: David Boreanaz Says Jason ‘Protected Himself’ With Questionable Decision

‘SEAL Team’: David Boreanaz Says Jason ‘Protected Himself’ With Questionable Decision
There was some mixed reaction to the decision Jason (David Boreanaz) made in the latest SEAL Team episode when Bravo targeted a factory in Myanmar with ties to China and fentanyl production—but who exactly was he protecting?

That’s the question Ray (Neil Brown Jr.) posed at the end. Jason refused to let the team go on the mission until he was sure he had mitigated the risk; then things went awry during the heist—if they took the workers’ money, no one would be working while they did their job—and they had to get creative. It worked, but when it was all over, Ray commented on his out-of-character behavior and asked who he was really protecting because he knew it wasn’t Bravo. Jason didn’t answer.

SEAL Team - Paramount+

“I think he’s definitely defending himself,” Boreanaz told TV Insider when he stopped by our offices recently. (Watch the video interview above.) “We’re going to see his character grow from the beginning to the end of the season, really questioning his purpose and where he belongs. Does he really belong back home and trying to balance his family and this is his new life with his daughter and trying to figure out his relationship with Mandy? What does that mean? Is that really true happiness for him or is he really struggling not being out there with his sons?” He continued, “That’s really the tone of the show, that dynamic. We’ll see how that plays out as we move from [Episode] 4 to 5 and 6 because Episode 6 was a very powerful episode that I directed and it deals with something that happened back home to him that he feels like, this happened because I was here. And he’s going to carry that guilt with him and it’s going to be interesting to see what happens to him from there.”

Ray is preparing for retirement (and counting down the days), and that includes making sure Omar (Raffi Barsoumian) is ready to actually take over watching Jason. Jason, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be doing the same. Is he ready for the day when Ray isn’t by his side on a mission?

“I think the thing he’s struggling with the most is, is Jason really himself when he’s on a mission?” Boreanaz admits. “Ray is the guy he goes to, and he’s very concerned about getting him there, and that’s really going to come out as we get closer to the end of the season. You’re going to see a lot more questionable calls, not just from me, but from Ray as well.”

With the show wrapping up with its current seventh season, Boreanaz hopes the show will be remembered “for its dedication, its discipline, its consistency in its acting. The controlled movement of energy, the brotherhood. I feel like it’s a really underrated show in a lot of ways. We just shoot amazing stunts that I think are on par with the big movies out there.”

Watch the full video interview with Boreanaz above about the episode, how the show will end, knowing he’s done, his last day on set, what he wants to do next, and more.

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