S.W.A.T.: The CBS Crime TV Show’s Top 10 Characters

The CBS hit, S.W.A.T., was released in 2017, and for five years, it ran strong on cable network, gaining a dedicated fan base and vigilant viewers. However, when the sixth season was released, it didn’t seem like the show was going to come back for a seventh, with outcries pouring in from not only fans of the show, but also stars, such as Shemar Moore.

Moore expressed confusion over the cancelation, and as a producer, you can imagine that your own show getting canceled must’ve been a low blow, especially after leaving a show as big as Criminal Minds. Luckily, CBS has decided to un-cancel the popular show and bring it back for a seventh season, which will provide a better ending and offer more closure to the audience, as well as cast members. That being said, let’s take a look at the top ten best characters, ranked. This article does include major spoilers for the CBS show, so be aware.


charice from swat

Debbie Allen portrays Hondo’s mom, Charice, in only 12 episodes, but she still makes an impact on viewers, as well as Hondo’s team. As you can expect from a mother to a retired marine turned S.W.A.T. team leader, Charice is very sweet, loving, and kind to just about anyone she meets. In season two, when Daryl is introduced, she doesn’t hesitate to take him into her home and raise him as if he were her own son. Charice, in the 12 episodes she appears in, often whips up great meals and baked goods for her son and his team.

Jack Mumford

jack mumford swat

We didn’t get to see much of Mumford’s character, as he was a semiregular cast member in the first season, and then only appeared in a handful of episodes in the second. He’s a mirror to Hondo as he’s the team leader for a different section of S.W.A.T., and he knows how to throw down when it comes to combat and getting the mission completed.

Despite being a good leader, Mumford wasn’t the best when it came to decisions about love and was married three times before getting engaged a fourth time, causing a few people to side eye him but still, wish nothing but the best for the outcome. In the second season, it wasn’t long before he announced his retirement after he was shot in the head, but saved by his helmet, scaring him into finally settling down.

Commander Robert

commander bob from swat

Patrick Esprit takes on the role of Commander Robert Hicks, a man who has been with the LAPD for decades and now runs the entire operation. He’s a hard guy to like at first, very tough, and he often went head-to-head with Hondo in the first season. In season two, in an episode entitled “Pride”, Commander Robert gets more of a backstory as we meet his son, E.J., for the first time, and learn why their relationship is so strained.

Robert lost his wife a few years back, and when his son started using drugs, it became hard for the single parent to accept it, leaving them to lose touch until an attack is planned for the pride parade that E.J is helping to run. It’s a great episode as you see the Commander become emotional for the first time, softening his hard edges and becoming more likable to the audience.


tan from swat

Before coming to be on Hondo’s team in S.W.A.T., Officer Tan was a police officer in Los Angeles, specifically the drug part located in Vice. In season one, Tan was mostly in the background and didn’t get much screen time, but in season two, his character started to become more well-rounded and likable, as we learned more about him. In a tense episode in season two, we learn how his cousin was killed by a drug called “rocket fuel”, and Tan has to overcome his own grief in order to be the bigger person when he comes face to face with the drug dealer.

We also learn more about him after he speaks about his family’s expectations for him when growing up, and how he chose to become a cop instead of following what his parents wanted him to do, making him more relatable and likable.

Commanding Officer Jessica

jessica swat

While only in the first two seasons of S.W.A.T., Captain Jessica’s character was everything you could want in such a position, not taking any crap from her male counterparts and quickly climbing the professional ladder thanks to her own skills. In the episodes she’s in before her departure, her character works hard to mend the relationship between the LAPD and the residents of Los Angeles, although it’s frowned upon by other members of the department.

She also becomes romantically involved with Hondo and the two fall in love with each other before realizing that their careers are too important to jeopardize. At the end of season two, the audience says goodbye to Jessica, as she takes a job working for the FBI, leaving the show entirely.


Lina Esco in S.W.A.T.

Being the only female member on the squad for quite a while, Chris’ character has something to prove through each season. She holds her own as she’s put through tough situations, such as extra combat training after she’s brutally beaten by an assailant. Chris’ story is quite interesting as she’s openly bisexual, and in season two she becomes involved in a thruple relationship.

The relationship was rare for a cable show but was mostly accepted, even though several fans of the show were campaigning for her and Street to get together. That eventually happens after seasons and seasons of pining, but fans were disappointed when it only lasted an episode and a half before Lina Esco’s departure. Similar to Luca, fans feel the loss of Chris’ character and hope she’ll make a return in the final season, even if it’s brief.


Street from SWAT

Jim, who’s mostly known as “Street”, is a bit of a wild card when it comes to Hondo’s team. In the first season when he joined the squad, he proved to be a key member before he was ultimately kicked out of S.W.A.T. Jim and Hondo didn’t really get close until Jim confided in his team leader about what was going on with his mom.

That situation really gave the audience a more in-depth look at who Street was as a person before it all came to a head in season five. Street is a reliable character that’s easy to like and root for, making a few bad decisions but ultimately being an all-around solid team member.


swat luca
The seemingly fan favorite, who you might not expect, is Luca. Whenever there’s a problem, either with the S.W.A.T. mission or something personal within the squad, Luca is there. It’s hard to believe that Kenny Johnson, who plays Luca, is sixty! He keeps up with his cast members, and he genuinely looks like he could be a S.W.A.T. member with his agility and his ability to take hold of the situation. Of course, it’s just acting, but Johnson is so convincing that when he wasn’t in season 4, fans majorly missed him.

They felt his absence, and when he was gone, they made it seem like Luca was recovering from an injury, when in reality, Kenny Johnson was dealing with a real-life injury and suing Sony Pictures because of it. Luckily, Johnson made it back before the season ended, making Luca an integral member of the squad.


deacon from swat

It almost wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t put Deacon in the number two spot, because of his role on the show. Even if you have only watched one episode, Deacon’s character is very easy to read. He’s a family man, a godly man, and above all, he loves his team. In season two, we saw Deacon get into some financial trouble as his house had a leak, and then his youngest daughter had health issues when she was born.

This situation was stressful for viewers because it was so unlike Deacon to start being untruthful and go to dangerous people for money. He did manage to turn it around, and the audience breathed a sigh of relief when he finally accepted help from Hondo and Luca. Deacon is a strong character who’s easy to love because of how generous and kind he is.


Hondo from SWAT

Coming in at number one, has to be Hondo. Coming straight from Criminal Minds, fans happily followed Shemar Moore to his next project, and were pleasantly surprised at how good S.W.A.T was. They quickly took a liking to Hondo’s character and his team-leading skills in the S.W.A.T department. He’s likable, mostly clear-headed, is fiercely loyal to his team, and above all, he loves his mom. Hondo is a reliable main character, and most of the time you know what to expect with his plot lines.

If Shemar Moore hadn’t campaigned so heavily for S.W.A.T. to have a final season, fans of the show would have been devastated and left feeling unsatisfied. Moore leads his team with great chemistry, and because of his strong presence, the team actually feels like a family.

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