Queen Charlotte Still Has A Major Story Left To Tell

Queen Charlotte Must Follow Up On George

Bridgerton season 3 ended one Queen Charlotte storyline for good, but there is one more character that still needs an ending: King George. In Bridgerton, audiences got a hint at what was wrong with King George III, explaining why he was never really around during the series. Yet, Queen Charlotte went even further by delving deep into George’s character. In the spinoff, audiences see George struggle with his mental health, and the horrific ways in which the royal court tried to “fix” him. The end of Queen Charlotte sees George successfully become king, but that is where his story ends.

If there is one reason why Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story should come back, it is George. While audiences can assume how Charlotte became the fierce ruler she is in Bridgerton, it is harder to bridge the gap between the George of Queen Charlotte and the George of Bridgerton. Viewers really get no insight into George beyond the end of Queen Charlotte. Since George is not hugely significant in Bridgerton, it would only make sense to see more of his future in Queen Charlotte season 2.

Young King George is played by Corey Mylchreest in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.

Bridgerton season 3 makes this need even more important. While the third season offered an ending to Agatha and Violet’s story, there was no sign of King George in Bridgerton season 3. Where the monarch has appeared sparsely in past Bridgerton seasons, he didn’t even get a mention in Bridgerton season 3. This gives the franchise all the more reason to continue George’s story in Queen Charlotte season 2. George may not be a Bridgerton, but he still deserves some sort of happily ever after, whatever that may look like.

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