‘Next Level Chef’ Season 3 Results Tonight: Who Survived Night Five of the Eliminations?

‘Next Level Chef’ Season 3 Results Tonight: Who Survived Night Five of the Eliminations?

Night five of the Next Level Chef elimination competition introduced a twist to members of Gordon Ramsy, Nyesha Arrington and Richard Blais’s teams as they were required to break down the slabs of meat into individual servings before the actual cooking could commence.

The first platform drop included a choice of filet, strip loin, and sirloin tip. Of course, Team Blais, which had the Top Level kitchen after Zach Laidlaw won last week’s international street food challenge, chose the filet, and Zach began butchering it.

Team Ramsay, which was in the middle kitchen, went for the strip loin and Chris Tzorin did the butchering. Team Arrington was in the basement after Alexandra Donnadio lost the elimination challenge last week, so they were left with the sirloin tip and Christina Miros did the cutting as neither of her male teammates knew how. Team Arrington was down to just three chefs: Christina, Mada Abdelhamid, and Ryan “Von” Smith, so it was imperative that they not lose anyone else.

Then the 11 remaining chefs got cooking for a chance to boil, bake and fry their way into $250,000.

‘Next Level Chef’ Season 3 Results Tonight: Who Went Home on Night Five of the Eliminations?

Lauren Smith, 36
Santa Monica, CA

Advancing contestants tonight on Next Level Chef Season 3 Night 5

Angela Pagan, 33
Atlanta, GA

Chris Tzorin, 37
Orange County, CA

Christina Miros, 35
Dumont, NJ

Gabi Chappel, 29
Brooklyn, NY

Izahya Thomas, 24
Miami, FL

Jordan Torrey, 29
Tampa, FL

Mada Abdelhamid, 36
Los Angeles, CA

Nicole Renard, 28
Kennewick, WA

Ryan “Von” Smith, 37
Scranton, PA

Zach Laidlaw, 34
Maui, HI

What was the first challenge this episode, and who won it?

The challenge for the night was to make the perfect steak dish once the three cuts of meat had been butchered into individual servings. As Gordon pointed out, this challenge required cooperation and teamwork.

Gabi Chappel from Team Ramsay won with her New York Strip steak with a caramelized onion soubise.

Nyesha said, “Some of my favorite moments as I enjoy this plate is dipping that New York steak into that soubise.”

While Richard commented, “I thought it was a ramekin and when I found out it was an onion cup, I wasn’t expecting it. Any time you can have a surprise on a plate, that’s a good thing.”

Gabbi was thrilled to have won Best Dish, especially because it was a steak. She said, “I won a steak challenge. On, my God! I don’t cook steak. I am a plant-based chef. That’s so cool.”

What was the elimination challenge this episode, and who won it?

The elimination challenge took the competitors from turf to surf for a shellfish showdown.

Richard chose Lauren Smith to take part in the cookoff as her steak dish “just didn’t come together today.” And Lauren knew she had made a bad platform grab, so she determined to do better for the shellfish showdown, and she managed to grab the lobster.

All of Team Nyesha’s cooks had done well, so it was hard for her to decide, but she selected Mada to face off with Lauren because he would “take Lauren out.” Mada went with a prawn dish.

In the cookoff, Mada was the winner by a nose, sending Lauren home as her lobster was undercooked.

“I’m so grateful I had this experience here. Obviously, I’m disappointed that I’m not the Next Level Chef. I don’t want to go. I want 1500 more cooks with Gordon Ramsay,” Lauren said.

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