Maya and Carina Take the Spotlight in Station 19’s “Snow Baby” Episode!

Hello everyone! Here’s another episode of Station 19 and the adventures of Maya and Carina ! Ready?

The episode opens with the streets of Seattle covered in snow, as a voiceover is heard saying that a record snowfall has been broken, the image changes to Park 19 and the voiceover continues telling us that there are power outages and that hospitals, schools and fire stations are open in case anyone needs shelter, so we see the park full of strangers.

Jack and Andy are cleaning one of the trucks and complaining about Maya giving them that order. Andy says something like Maya doesn’t know that she’s not going to get over her embarrassment because they’re spending so much time cleaning the truck. They’re in the middle of that when Maya shows up and tells them that one of the toilets is clogged because someone threw a baby package in it. Jack reluctantly says he’ll unclog it. Maya and Andy are left alone, and the captain tells her it’s weird not seeing her around and tries to have a conversation with her, but Andy rudely tells her the toilets are waiting for her and leaves.

Travis is answering incoming phone calls and one of the times it’s his mother, then we take a trip back in time through a flashback, specifically to the year 2012. In it we see Travis and his husband Michael, who died putting out a fire, eating at Travis’s parents’ house. Before the parents sit down at the table, they talk to each other and Michael says they have to tell him. When the parents arrive, the couple announces they are getting married and the parents are so shocked that the father gets up and leaves. Travis and Michael, of course, are very sad.

We return to the present and when Travis finishes talking to his mother he takes another call, it turns out that a woman has gotten her car stuck in the middle of the snow and needs help.

Dean and Jack are in the kitchen making chili and JJ, Dean’s ex, shows up. After leaving last season, she returned in earlier episodes of this third season telling the firefighter that she was pregnant and that the child is his, and then she goes into labor.

Maya, Andy and JJ enter the park bathrooms to help her with the delivery. Andy asks who Carina is. Maya says she’s a friend of hers who works as an obstetrician at Grey Sloan. She apparently recommended to Maya that JJ take hot showers to relax.

Travis continues talking to Pilar, the woman who is trapped in the snow, and it seems the situation is more complicated than it seemed at first, since she is completely buried under the snow, so Travis sends an emergency team.

JJ are in the shower complaining about the pain and Maya is with her, doing her best to take some of the pain away, Dean arrives saying if he can do anything for her and tells her to please get Firefighter Barbie off of him (Maya) and take her to the hospital quickly, but it’s not possible because the roads are closed, Then Andy appears with a yoga ball saying that he’s been informing himself and that sitting on it helps the labor progress, Pruitt (Mario Kart according to JJ xD, this girl has nicknames for everyone) stops by and is a volunteer for an association to attend emergencies and JJ is no longer satisfied with any of the solutions they give her, she only wants the epidural.

Travis is still on the phone with the woman who’s trapped under the snow and asks her to tell him about her son. What Pilar tells him brings back memories of his past, and a flashback reappears. In it, Travis and his mother are reading some verses his mother wrote to him. Travis says it’s his favorite, and she tells him she wrote it when she was pregnant with him, and that it’s apparently his father’s favorite, too. Travis then tells her that he and Michael would like her to read that verse at their wedding, and she agrees.

And finally we see a scene between Maya and Carina, this time via videoconference. Carina is giving Maya advice on how to assist JJ with her birth, but this is not the only topic they talk about. At one point, this happens:

Carina Maya, I don’t know you very well yet, but it’s obvious you’re excellent at everything you set your mind to: gold medals, becoming a captain, and…
Maya: I’ve mastered many things.
Carina: (a little embarrassed because she wasn’t expecting such a great performance from the firefighter) I have no doubts and you can do it. I’m not worried about you or the mother.
Maya: Can I call you later and not talk about babies?
Carina: You can call me whenever you want and… talk about whatever you want.

Next we see Maya, JJ, Andy and Pruitt in the locker room. JJ is in pain and Andy asks Maya if they can do anything else. JJ is willing to do anything, then Maya explains that Carina gave her some advice to make the pain go away and make the contractions faster, but the captain doesn’t dare say it and Pruitt urges her to spill it. Then Maya explains what Carina told her: “ She says that… your body will produce oxytocin, which reduces the pain, if you masturbate .” Everyone is amazed and finally JJ says that she likes the idea and that they can leave her alone.

Maya and Andy wait outside the locker room in case JJ needs help and Maya tries to have a conversation with her former best friend:

Maya: I’m not going to let you be mad at me for as long as you want to be. And I’ll still be your friend. Because if it had been the other way around, you would have taken the job, and I know one of these days, when Ryan’s death hurts a little less, you’ll realize, and then… I’ll be there.
Andy: Two men locked themselves in an office and decided they couldn’t give me the promotion they’d promised me because I was too upset about Ryan’s death, and they gave it to you. I’m not mad that you took it; I’m mad that you did it without a single word from me. A simple, “Hey, Andy, I took the job that you earned and that was promised to you because I love it, but I want you to know that I already know it’s wrong and unfair. I’m your friend, and I don’t like this decision.” That way I’d know you weren’t a sociopath, and I could enjoy watching you wreck the firehouse a million different ways.

The camera focuses on Maya, who is crying.

Travis continues talking to Pilar and has another flashback. In it, we see the firefighter and his father in the kitchen of his parents’ house. His father reproaches him for not daring his mother to go out and talk to friends and acquaintances because of what they might say (because her son is marrying a man). His father tells him he doesn’t understand why he has to make it public and that the wedding couldn’t be discreet. The two begin to throw things at each other. At one point, Mr. Montgomery asks him if he’s not ashamed, and Travis tells him no, that he’s ashamed of both of them.

We return to the present because Travis receives a notice that they are going to rescue Pilar, the firefighter asks the woman to press the horn so they can locate her, but she has been under the snow for so long that she has hypothermia and barely has any strength and is not able to press it and they cannot locate her, Travis asks the emergency services to please try to rescue her however they can, but they tell him they have to leave.

We see another flashback, in which Travis and Michael appear on their wedding day. Travis is a little sad because his parents didn’t come and Michael tells him to cheer up, that in a little while they will say their vows and they will be a family.

JJ is still in labor, Pruitt is attending to her and Maya and Andy are preparing towels, then Maya tells her that she fought for the position, that it had nothing to do with Ryan because it was before he died. She explains that she broke up with Jack and went to talk to Sullivan to tell him that she would be the best captain and that she hasn’t made a mistake because Andy puts his feelings first and lets his personal life interfere and Maya doesn’t. Then the captain tells her that she knows she is controlling and that she is obsessed with work like Pruitt, that she spends more time in the park since she retired and that she also works against the clock, Andy is surprised by the latter, then Pruitt confesses that he has testicular cancer and that he has months to live.

Travis continues talking to Pilar, he’s been under the snow for so long that she thinks Travis is his son and he goes along with it so the woman can die in peace and this continues until there comes a time when Pilar no longer answers him.

Finally JJ has the baby, Maya picks it up and gives it to him, while Andy cries because of what his father just told him.

We have another image of Travis’s past, Michael and the firefighter are sitting at the house of the latter’s parents, while his mother reads them some verses that she has written for them, when she finishes Michael tells her that it is very beautiful and thanks her, Travis looks at him and her husband says that she tries to do her best but Travis does not think it is enough.

We return to the present, where we see Travis in shock for not having been able to save Pilar, the phone rings and he doesn’t hear it, but a girl with Down syndrome who has been taking shelter from the snowfall in the park, tells him that he is a hero and that he has to answer it, Travis answers it and it is his mother, the woman wants to know if they are okay at the fire station.

And so this chapter has ended! It was actually a pretty tough chapter, and we didn’t get much of Maya and Carina, but the little time they spent together was worth it. Plus, Andy and Maya managed to talk, even though it didn’t help much. See you in the next one!

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