Kristen Stewart Had a Hard Time Catering to a Diverse Audience

While having an internal justification for her character’s decisions was necessary yet challenging for Kristen Stewart, it was equally challenging for her to cater to the different notions different audiences had about the tale. Twilight, as a book series, had a huge appeal to different kinds of audiences and found a loyal fan base in both the young and old.

Although having an already established loyal fanbase is an advantage, in this case, it presented itself as quite a challenge. To balance the need to appeal to a diverse audience was not easy, and Stewart acknowledged how crucial it was that her portrayal should resonate with both the older audience and the younger ones who looked at the tale with more innocent eyes.

You always have to realize that the story needs to make sense to the 11-year-olds who read the book and aren’t necessarily going to be viewing a scene as foreground play. But then there is the other segment of the audience—a large percentage—who does see the scene as foreground play.

Stated Stewart to Interview Magazine. She then revealed how portraying the intense relationship between a vampire and a human was not as effortless as it looked.

I don’t know what it feels like to make out with my vampire boyfriend because it isn’t something that anybody has ever felt.

A fascinating glimpse into what went behind her role in the Twilight Saga, it is but a fact now that Kristen Stewart did an effortless job starring as such a complex character, in a world that was even more complex and intense.

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