Is Violet Mikami Losing Her Job on Chicago Fire? Why Her Future Is in Danger When it comes to Chicago Fire excellence, firefighter Violet Mikami (Hanako Greensmith) is the best. So when she almost lost her job in Season 13, Episode 4 (“Through the Skin”), the Chi-Hards were worried about how she was going to get it back.
Luckily, with a little help from Chicago Med fan favorite and new Firehouse 51 Chief Dom Pascal (Dermot Mulroney), things turned out just fine. Here’s what happened: Violet found herself in a sticky situation after she and firefighter Lyla Novak (Jocelyn Hudon) arrived on the scene and found a woman dead. After the woman’s sister arrived, they were shocked to discover she was pregnant. Distraught, the sister begged the 51 firefighters to do something to save the baby. After checking the baby’s vital signs, they discovered the eight-month-old was still alive. Violet called an ambulance to take the mother to the hospital to deliver the baby, but they did not arrive in time to save the baby.
Left with no other choice, Violet informed Novak that she had assisted in two cesarean sections during her training. Delivering babies was outside their scope of care, but it was urgent. Novak was by her side as Violet began performing the cesarean section.
The surgery was difficult, but the baby survived thanks to Violet’s dexterity and quick thinking. The sister was overjoyed, and several nurses called on the paramedics for their heroic actions. However, Violet knew that this warm welcome would be short-lived.
At the hospital, the paramedics are visited by the grumpy Chief Medical Officer Robinson (Laura Allen) and a representative from the Illinois Medical Board to talk about her “gross breach of duty.” Violet takes full responsibility.
RELATED ARTICLE: What Happened to Violet Mikami in the Chicago Fire?
“Pending review by the Illinois Medical Board, your EMS license is suspended until further notice,” the representative tells Violet.
“I have to get you off [Ambulance] 61 immediately,” Robinson adds. “I’m sending him to your fire station to finish your shift. Go home, Mikami.”
Violet is heartbroken by this turn of events, suspecting that her license will be revoked. Meanwhile, Chief Pascal assigns Violet to duty at 51 to ease her pain. After talking to Pascal about the challenge, he advises her to think outside the box. CFD can’t help her fight the medical board, but an influential person in public health might be able to provide some perspective.
After considering what friends she has in public health, Violet heads to Chicago Med to talk to Gaffney’s favorite director, Sharon Goodwin (Epatha Merkerson). Goodwin has heard about Violet’s situation and is happy to ask how she can help.
“The thing is, I don’t really know how the medical board works,” Violet admits. “But I’ve heard that if I can get someone influential to advocate for me, maybe they can help convince the board to look at, I don’t know, the whole situation, I guess.”
“The people on the board are all doctors, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that doctors aren’t known for their charitable views toward healthcare workers,” Goodwin explained. “So I don’t expect them to be very lenient with a healthcare worker who has taken actions that—right or wrong—are strictly within the purview of licensed medical practitioners.”
“What you asked me about earlier about having someone with influence on the board speak for you. I don’t really think that would help,” Goodwin suggested. “You don’t want someone like me up there arguing the medical facts.”
Goodwin continued, “You want someone with serious political clout at City Hall, at the Capitol. Someone who will get the board’s attention and remind them who they’re accountable to.”
After learning that she needed the help of some powerful politicians, Violet felt quite discouraged after returning to the fire department. Violet shares Goodwin’s intel with Pascal as Novak encourages her to keep fighting. The chief begins to brainstorm solutions.
Violet needs political power, and Pascal has an estranged relationship with a Chicago city council member. If he is willing to swallow his pride and mend his relationship with an old friend in the CFD, he may be able to help her. After apologizing to her former colleague, Pascal asks for a favor.
Violet is extremely nervous at the hearing, feeling quite hopeless about her abilities. After Chief Robinson arrives, Violet thinks she is there to put the nail in her coffin. Surprisingly, Robinson is there to compliment her on her actions.
“I don’t forgive easily