The Big Bang Theory is a super hit American CBS sitcom that had a run of 12 seasons from 2007 to 2019. The show is about the lives of four friends – Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj, played by Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Simon Helberg, and Kunal Nayyar respectively. They are geeks and socially awkward and their interactions with people add humor to the show.
Among them, Sheldon (portrayed by Jim Parsons) is one of the main protagonists of the show. He is a theoretical physicist at Caltech known for his intelligence and sarcastic remarks. His love interest on the show was Amy Farrah Fowler (portrayed by Mayim Bialik), a neuroscientist who is equally intelligent as him. Sheldon and Amy’s relationship is one of the main plotlines of the show as it highlights Sheldon from a different point of view.
Sheldon’s proposal to Amy has to be one of the most significant moments of The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon takes this big step in season 10’s final episode titled “The Long Distance Dissonance”. In this episode, one moment of realization led Sheldon to make this decision to propose and take his relationship with Amy to the next level.
What happens in The Big Bang Theory’s Season 10 Finale?
In the episode “The Long Distance Dissonance”, the story revolves around the return of Dr. Ramona Nowitzki (played by Riki Lindhome), Sheldon’s longtime admirer. Amy is away from home as she was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton. Being away from Sheldon for a long time makes Amy miss him. Taking advantage of this, Ramona starts spending more time with Sheldon to get close to him.
Unaware of her feelings, Sheldon didn’t take the situation seriously. He didn’t know that Ramona was romantically interested in him. However, his friends – Penny, Bernadette, Leonard, Howard, and Raj – get suspicious of Ramona’s intentions as Amy is out of town. Ramona and Sheldon started taking lunches together and he even invited her home. They try to warn him about her but he doesn’t think there is any issue, as he sees her as an admirer of his work. But the moment Ramona kissed him, things got clear for him.
How did Sheldon propose to Amy?
When Ramona kissed Sheldon, he instantly realized the situation and things became clear in his mind. Sheldon is not someone who makes abrupt decisions or expresses his feelings clearly but in that moment, he decides to just go to the airport, board the flight to reach Amy’s place, and just kneel down and propose. This decision was a complete shocker for everyone as nobody expected Sheldon to do such a grand gesture.
It was a major step taken by Sheldon for Amy. It shows his love and compassion for Amy and how far he can go for her. Sheldon used to find it difficult to understand other people’s emotions and didn’t understand the institution of relationships and marriage. At first, he was very formal with Amy and even made a “relationship agreement” with her. But eventually, Amy made him realize the concept of love and helped him open up his emotions.
Sheldon’s proposal to Amy shows his commitment to her. Sheldon knew at that moment that Amy was the only woman he wanted in his life and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. The episode ends with a cliffhanger as Amy is overwhelmed by the proposal. She ends up saying yes to him in the next episode, which is the first episode of the 11th season called “The Proposal Proposal”.