Humor and heart in WPCT’s ‘Beverly Hills’ production

Humor and heart in WPCT’s ‘Beverly Hills’ production

It’s that time again when actors come together, the stage is set, and costume designers transform individuals into none other than the Clampett Family of the Ozarks who move to the glamorous Beverly Hills.

Director Marlene Wiechman said the cast, comprised of a diverse group with varying experience levels, brings a fresh energy to the stage. From seasoned actors to newcomers, each member contributes to the vibrant tapestry of the play.

Discussing themes within the play Wiechman said, “It’s a search for identity. How does everybody fit in? She references one of Jed Clampett’s (played by Chet McWhorter) lines saying, ‘Mr. Drysdale, you know, I’m from the hills. Yes, but you’re no different than me because you come from the hills too— the Beverly Hills.’ So it connects those two people,” she said.

Wiechman said audience members will relate to the characters. In the play, a noticeable change takes place between prim and proper Miss Jane (played by Kristine Kienbaum) and free-spirited tomboy Elly May (played by Emily Knust).This dynamic creates an at times humorous, yet enjoyable connection between the two characters. “It’s kind of fun to see that connection grow,” Wiechman said.

From Elly May’s internal struggles to fitting into Beverly Hills society to banker Mr. Drysdale’s (played by Dana Leffler) evolving character to matters involving more than money, each element contributes to the overall charm of the performance.

For fans of the TV series and newcomers alike, the stage adaptation promises an entertaining experience filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and a nostalgic trip down TV Land lane.

Of the rehearsals leading up to this weekend’s opening performances Wiechman noted, “It’s been great. It has been so much fun working with all these people. We’re having fun and laughing. It’s just an awesome time.”

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