How Old Edward And The Other Cullens Are In Twilight

How Old Edward And The Other Cullens Are In Twilight

Twilight’s vampires were sparkly but immortal like any other vampires. Here’s how old Edward and the rest of the Cullens were when the saga began.

Twilight introduced a different type of vampire, one who can resist exposure to sunlight but has sparkly skin, although they do have the basic characteristics of these mythical creatures, such as immortality and feeding on blood – so how old were Edward and the rest of the Cullens? In 2005, Stephenie Meyer shared her world of vampires, werewolves, and humans in the novel Twilight, the first entry in a series of four books, with the final one, Breaking Dawn, published in 2008. The series followed the romance between vampire Edward Cullen and mortal Bella Swan.

Twilight was a hit with readers, and it didn’t take long to attract the attention of film studios. The series jumped to the big screen in 2008. The Twilight Saga found its leads in Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner, who played Edward, Bella, and Jacob, respectively. Of course, some characters that couldn’t be left were behind Edward’s family, the Cullens, who played a bigger role in the stories as the saga progressed. The Cullen family, also known as the Olympic Coven, were all different ages, brought together by Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

Carlisle Cullen (365 Years Old)

The leader of the Cullen coven was Dr. Carlisle Cullen who married Esme. Together, they served as parent figures to their adoptive children: Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Carlisle is the oldest of the Cullen family of vampires, having been turned after discovering a group of vampires living in the sewers in London over 300 years before the events of the Twilight Saga take place.

Carlisle was born in 1640 and was turned into a vampire in 1663 when he was 23 years old. Taking 2005 as the setting of both the Twilight book and the film, Carlisle was 365 years old when the saga began.

Edward Cullen (104 Years Old)

The first one to join the coven was Edward, born in 1901 and turned into a vampire by Carlisle in 1918, when he was 17 years old. Edward was dying of influenza, and his mother begged Carlisle, who had become a doctor by then, to save him. Carlisle took a dying Edward to his home and turned him, adopting him as his own son to fulfill Edward’s mother’s dying wish. By the time the Twilight Saga began, Edward was 104 years old.

Esme Cullen (110 Years Old)

Then came Esme Cullen, who Carlisle met in 1911 but wasn’t changed until 1921. In 1911, she was 16 years old and suffered a broken leg, which Dr. Cullen sets for her. She eventually married an abusive man and ran away from him, losing her child just two days after their birth. In 1921, Esme was suffering from injuries from a suicide attempt following the loss of her child. Esme was born in 1895, and was 26 when she became a vampire, which makes her 110 years old at the beginning of Twilight.

Rosalie Hale (90 Years Old)

Next to join the coven is Rosalie Hale. Although all the family members suffered before Carlisle found them, Rosalie has one of the darkest backstories of the Cullen family. Carlisle found Rosalie on the street after she was raped and attacked by her fiancé and his friends. Rosalie was born in 1915 and was turned into a vampire in 1933 at the age of 18, so she was 90 years old when the saga began.

Emmett Cullen (90 Years Old)

Just two years after Carlisle turned Rosalie into a vampire, Rosalie found Emmett after a bear attack. Emmett was so badly wounded that he couldn’t move. Rosalie carried him to Carlisle herself and asked Carlisle to change him. Emmett and Rosalie were born in the same year, but he turned into a vampire in 1935 at the age of 20, which also made him 90 at the start of the Twilight series.

Alice Cullen (104 Years Old)

Unlike the rest of the Cullen family, Alice and Jasper weren’t turned by Carlisle but went out looking for the Cullens based on Alice’s visions. Alice (Ashley Greene) was born in 1901 and she led an unhappy life. She had visions even as a human and discovered her father was responsible for hiring someone to kill her mother. He considered her crazy and had her held in an asylum after she accused him since she had no proof.

Alice was turned into a vampire at the age of 19, in 1920, by a vampire working at the asylum she was sent to. He did so to protect her. By the time Twilight began, Alice was the same age as Edward (104 years old).

Jasper Hale (161 Years Old)
Of the adopted children in the Cullen family, Jasper is actually the oldest, but he has the most trouble sticking to their “vegetarian” diet of no human blood since he’s actually been vegetarian for the shortest amount of time. Jasper was born in 1844. He was a Confederate soldier who had a great capacity for empathy, which was noticed by a vampire who wanted to use his skills.

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