Has The Cast Of Virgin River Addressed The Plot Hole Controversy On The Netflix Show?
Season one of Netflix’s Virgin River follows Los Angeles nurse and midwife Melinda Monroe who is played by actress Alexandra Breckenridge, as she relocates to a remote California town to start a new life and, after losing her husband and experiencing a tragic stillbirth, finds peace. Viewers are hooked when Melinda “Mel” Monroe and neighborhood bar owner Jack Sheridan who is played by Martin Henderson, spark a romantic connection and the plot starts to thicken.
We are now in season four of Virgin River. A lot has happened. Mel and Jack are now engaged and having a baby together. Jack thought he was having twins with someone else. Preacher gets kidnapped. Fans can’t get enough. However, it’s because the fans are so gripped to this series that they are noticing things aren’t quite what they seem in Virgin River.
How Much Time Has Actually Passed On Virgin River?
Charmaine got pregnant in season one of Virgin River, yet season four finds her still pregnant. Reminiscent of Bonnie on Family Guy, fans wonder what exactly is taking place here. Has she been pregnant for three years or what did we miss?
In the first season of the show, Charmaine, Jack’s ex-girlfriend, learned she was expecting. In the Season Four finale, Jack reveals that Charmaine is five months pregnant during a 911 call.
Virgin River premiered on Netflix in 2019. So Charmaine got pregnant in 2019 yet now is only five months pregnant? Let’s just sit with that for a moment.
Ok, in an attempt to help viewers wrap their heads around this sheer and utter cognitive dissonance, yes, only five months have passed since we all started watching Virgin River in 2019. That means, in about one month’s time Mel moved to a new town, landed her dream job, had her rental home completely remodeled, fell hopelessly in love with Jack, and became so heartbroken over the news of the pregnancy she is ready to leave Virgin River.
It also means Charmaine met, fell in love with, and got engaged to Todd in about a week’s time. Remember, according to the show’s timeline, Charmaine was on bed rest due to her high risk pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum. Once she could, she left town and presumably met Todd on the way. Season two then ends as Jack gets shot.
In case you’re not in a complete state of disbelief yet, just wait, this gets way better. Season three opens up right after we left off. Jack was found by Mel bleeding out on the bar’s floor, having been shot by, who knows. Jack is brought into the emergency room and they don’t think he will make it. Everyone prepares for the worst.
Three weeks time lapses and Jack is back up on his feet like nothing ever happened. He can’t recall who shot him. The police still don’t have a suspect either, but that is far from the only problem. If we move in the same time frame as the show, that would mean that 11 of the 12 episodes in season three take place over the course of two weeks.
In those two weeks, Jack’s house burns down, Mark’s sister Stacie (Melinda Dahl) contacts Mel to announce her pregnancy, Jack’s sister Brie has a miscarriage, and we find out Charmaine wants Todd to legally adopt the unborn twins.
Not only that, but Mel decides she would like to try for another child after experiencing a string of traumatic flashbacks to her last pregnancy (during which she gave birth to a stillborn with her now-deceased husband Mark).
She tells Jack, but he admits he’s not ready for a third child and he doesn’t know if he ever will be because he’s feeling so overwhelmed by the idea of raising twins. Her and Jack break up, and Mel leaves for Los Angeles to support her sister who is going through a divorce, and Preacher gets kidnapped.
Why Did Jack And Mel Get Into Such A Big Argument Over Her Pregnancy On Virgin River?
Ok, here we are, it’s season four. When this season starts, only four months have passed in Virgin River.
First, Preacher is back and nobody ever talks about his kidnapping. Then Mel is now back from Los Angeles and pregnant, but she says she doesn’t know who the father is, causing another huge fight between her and Jack.
Here is the problem with this, Mel had an embryo transferred like it’s just something you can walk into a doctor’s office and do on a whim. Then the next day found out she was pregnant. No. It doesn’t work like that. She had to have been pregnant prior to leaving for Los Angeles the week before. But who is going to implant an embryo into an already pregnant woman?
None of this makes sense. The entire argument could have been avoided had Mel just used a tiny bit of the knowledge she went to school for. She is a midwife after all.
What Happened To The Pilot Who Had A Heart Attack In Virgin River?
Yet another disturbing plot twist, we lost count too, don’t worry. In season four we have Mel and Jack in a little prop plane as they have found out Jack is the father of Mel’s baby and by the way, she is not even a month along and they already know that it’s a girl. They are trying to have a little romantic getaway that Mel planned for them when disaster strikes.
The pilot of the plane has a heart attack. Now, in the midst of this heart attack, Mel remembers she has aspirin in her purse so quickly has the pilot, who again, is in full-on cardiac arrest take some so his blood doesn’t clot.
She and Jack move him out of the seat so Jack can take over the controls. Jack has no idea how to fly a plane, but as the pilot lies next to him gripping at his chest he is able to give full instructions on how to land the plane. Maybe it was the aspirin talking? Fans are not buying it. This is so far from what would happen in real life though, it fits right in with the rest of the show.