Global superstar Madonna makes a surprise appearance in the brand new trailer for Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars

Global superstar Madonna makes a surprise appearance in the brand new trailer for Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars

Queen of Pop Madonna makes a surprise appearance in a brand new trailer for the epic new series Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars.

The new series, coming March 26 to Channel 9 and 9Now, will see culinary superstar Gordon Ramsay and business mogul Janine Allis mentor and guide competing teams.

Gordon and Janine are on the hunt for Australia’s most exciting and innovative new food ideas and will search high and low for the next food star to mentor and invest in.

Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars is coming Tuesday, March 26 to Channel 9 and 9Now.

In the brand new trailer – which you can watch above – one of the contestants reveals they are a personal chef for Madonna.

“Gordon, I want my chef back,” the music superstar can be heard saying over the phone.

The voiceover introduces Gordon, “the world’s greatest chef”, as he travels back down under to go head-to-head with Australian food queen Janine.

“I didn’t travel 12,500 miles to come second best,” Gordon says. “I want to beat Janine’s team into the ground.”

Meanwhile, Janine declares “we’ve got to frickin’ beat Ramsay” while high-fiving members of her team.

The high-pressure competition is apparent as Gordon tells contestants to “stop worrying about egos and focus”.

Contestants will need to pitch their concept to win a spot in the competition, before surviving high pressure challenges and an intense grilling to see if they’ve got the raw ingredients to become Food Stars.

The trailer shows a selection of the exciting food ideas potential contestants will pitch Gordon and Janine, including a “hangover relief beverage”, a “takeaway cup you can eat” and a “healthy dog-food subscription service”.

Gordon is also left stunned by one of the meals he is served.

“I come to Australia to find some Food Stars, now I’ve got a pie in my burger,” he whines.

Having to survive and compete in various high-pressure challenges, contestants will need to prove they have what it takes when it comes to running a successful business.

One lucky winner from each team will win mentorship and a $250,000 investment from Gordon and Janine respectively.

We can’t wait to see what they cook up.

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