Fran Drescher and Britney Spears Call for a General Strike, and Twitter Loves It

Welcome comrades.

Apandemic, it seems, has a funny way of exposing the world’s true colors. College students are stripped down to their selfish cores as they prioritize frolicking across Miami beaches over the health of literally everyone else. Certain employers still encourage their employees to show up to work, personal health and viral outbreaks be damned. And Donald Trump—wait, no, Trump is pretty much exactly who we thought he was.

A pleasant surprise, at least, has been the proletariat heroes-in-the-making manifested in Britney Spears and Fran Drescher. Via their respective social media accounts, both celebrities recently amplified calls for a general strike and a redistribution of wealth, demands popularly seen in Marxist trends of thought.

Spears posted a quote from writer Mimi Zhu, which partially read, “We [will] feed each other, re-distribute wealth, strike. We will understand our own importance from the places we must stay. Communion moves beyond walls. We can still be together.”

In the caption, Spears quoted Zhu, “Communion goes beyond walls 🌹🌹🌹.” (It’s probably worth pointing out that the rose is popularly used as a symbol for socialism, though it’s unclear if the pop star uses them intentionally.)

Drescher more explicitly articulated her anti-capitalist beliefs on Twitter. Responding to another tweet calling for a general strike, or a mass strike from workers across different industries until their demands are met, The Nanny actress wrote, “I agree. Capitalism has become another word for Ruling Class Elite! When profit is at the [ expense] of all things of true value, we gotta problem.”

In a subsequent tweet, Drescher clarified that she’s not technically a socialist (or any other kind of political label). “When u make kindness and compassion your compass you don’t need a label of socialist or capitalist,” she wrote. “You simply do the right thing! That’s the golden rule baby!”

Whatever the political ideologies that Drescher and Spears subscribe to, Twitter notwithstanding was on their side.

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