Fans React to ‘The Kiss’: A Deep Dive into The Rookie’s Season 7, Episode 9

After a week’s hiatus, The Rookie returns to resolve a deadly cliffhanger from the previous episode while introducing myriad other investigations. As James Murray (Arjay Smith) fights for his life, an investigation into his wife, Nyla Harper (Mekia Cox), creates even more drama. Meanwhile, Celina Juarez (Lisseth Chavez) shows investigative initiative, while John Nolan (Nathan Fillion) clears Harper and a civil rights activist wanted by police.

This latest season presents a return to form for The Rookie as it balances the street-level stories this show does best with larger, spectacle-driven episodes. The introduction of two new trainee officers has allowed the show to lean into the dramatic opportunities training provides. From helping the community to less-involved cases, The Rookie uses its premise to distinguish itself from other police procedurals. There are also the odd exceptions, such as episodes focused on a pair of serial killers and the previous episode’s response to a Los Angeles wildfire. With “The Kiss,” the story The Rookie tells is a mixture of both approaches. While it does feature some great character moments, the episode does feel a bit too crowded at times.

The Rookie Cast Rallies to Clear Harper’s Name and Catch James’s Shooter

In ‘The Kiss’ the Characters Are Perhaps Pulled in Too Many Different Directions

Despite the one-week hiatus, The Rookie picks up right where “Wildfire” left off. James and his friend Kylie Thomas (Maria Zhang) fight for their lives as Juarez tries to save them. Detective Angela Lopez (Alyssa Diaz) immediately identifies the correct shooter. However, because Nolan saw Kylie kiss James, Harper has to be investigated. Her arrest of the shooter, Connor (Levi Meaden), 18 months ago actually makes it seem more likely she was involved.

Given how much happens in “The Kiss,” there isn’t a lot of time for character introspection. The way Nolan throws himself into the investigation of his former training officer actually fits. Knowing his responsibility for Harper’s legal situation, he is motivated to help her. When he discovers a photo of James with an activist wanted for arson, he sets himself on a path to solve that case, too.

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