Every Cullen Family Member Without Special Vampire Powers In Twilight

Every Cullen Family Member Without Special Vampire Powers In Twilight

Only a few members of The Twilight Saga’s Cullen family had vampire super powers. However, this is often contradicted by the franchise’s movies.

While most of Twilight’s vampires are quite powerful, the majority of the Cullen family members don’t have any special superhuman abilities. The vampires seen in the Twilight novels and their movie adaptations infamously stray from conventional depictions of the mythical creatures. While there is no one correct way to portray vampires, Twilight’s bloodsuckers earned a lot of criticism at the height of the franchise’s popularity, since they weren’t hurt by sunlight, they didn’t need to feed on human blood to survive, and they couldn’t transform into bats, rats, or other animals. However, these vampires did have a few new abilities to make up for these disadvantages.

Twilight’s vampires were super strong, superfast, and had heightened senses. This meant that they often functioned like superheroes, since rewatching the Twilight movies proves that the saga’s vampire characters display more varied superpowers as the series progresses. The final movie in the series, Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II, even introduced a vampire who could bend the elements to his will. However, most of Twilight’s Cullen family members have no special powers. Twilight’s vampires technically had powers before their transformation, since, if they had a gift in human life, it was amplified into a superpower as a vampire. These gifts aren’t very common, resulting in most of the Cullen family lacking them.

5. Esme Cullen
There are only 40 vampires with superpowers listed in Stephenie Meyers’ official companion to the Twilight mythos, which is a small portion of the thousands of vampires found in the franchise’s world. As such, it is no surprise that most of the Cullens have no powers. Esme Cullen has no powers in the Twilight movies since she didn’t have a pronounced gift before her transformation at the hands of her future mate, Carlisle. Like most of the franchise’s vampires, Esme does possess super strength and super speed. However, if she had a power, it would likely be hyper-empathy or a trait similar to the abilities her daughter-in-law Bella Swan boasts.

4. Carlisle Cullen
Like Esme, Carlisle Cullen has no powers in the Twilight movies. However, Carlisle was the first known vampire to survive on animal blood, instead of feeding on humans, in the world of the series. This ability to override his basic biological needs for the sake of avoiding harm proves that Carlisle is extraordinarily resilient, meaning he could be stronger than some of the franchise’s other vampires. Carlisle doesn’t have a specific superpower like Edward’s mind reading or Alice’s foresight, but his ability to live without feeding on humans reshaped life for Twilight’s vampires and was quite heroic, if not technically superhuman.

3. Emmett Cullen
Edward’s adoptive brother is a confusing case since Twilight’s official companion states that Emmett Cullen has no superpowers. However, Emmet’s bizarre Twilight backstory saw him become a vampire after he died while wrestling with a bear and was revived by Rosalie. This feat of superhuman strength proves that Emmett was both extremely powerful and incredibly brave during his life, which should theoretically mean that his vampiric super strength would be magnified by his transformation. However, the movies disprove this when Bella handily beats Emmett in an arm wrestling competition shortly after she is transformed into a vampire by Edward.

2. Rosalie Hale
Like her mate Emmett, Rosalie is a somewhat unusual case when it comes to Twilight’s superpower rules. Twilight’s Rosalie Hale has no superpowers, but she is described as angelically beautiful and the entrancing effects of this beauty are sometimes viewed as a power by other characters. This seems like it could be a borderline case, since Rosalie’s beauty does allow her to hold sway over other characters, but her power is not listed in the author’s official companion. It is also not as easily quantifiable as the powers of Edward, Jasper, and Alice. As such, Rosalie can be considered a powerless vampire.

1. Only 3 Of The Cullen Vampires Have Powers
Edward, Jasper, and Alice Cullen all have superpowers. After her transformation, Bella and her daughter Renesmee could also be counted, as Bella married into the Cullen family, and she and her daughter both have superpowers. Alice’s powers allow her to see into the future, while Jasper’s strength is manipulating the behavior of others. Jasper can sense the emotions of others and use this power to alter situations, avoiding fights and defusing tension when convenient. Edward can read the minds of others, which was what sparked his initial interest in Bella; he was bemused when he realized he couldn’t hear her thoughts.

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