Danny Reagan Never Deserved Linda (& Certainly Not A New Blue Bloods Romance)

Danny Reagan Never Deserved Linda (& Certainly Not A New Blue Bloods Romance)

Detective Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) may be the star of Blue Bloods, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his fair share of problems, and his relationship with Linda (Amy Carlson) over the seasons has always bothered me. Look, Donnie Wahlberg is excellent as Danny Reagan. He’s still one of the best characters on Blue Bloods, but like any good “gray” character in a police procedural, Danny’s got his issues. Considering how much of a jerk he can come off as, I’m not always rooting for him to win when the stakes are lower.

Shootout on the streets of New York? Yes, please survive, Danny. Always be in the right while doing morally dubious things? Come on, but it is still a TV show, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Be morally dubious, then get to be all self-righteous about it and also get the girl? Give me a break. We as the audience are stuck with Danny for better or worse, and admittedly, many of the best episodes of Blue Bloods focus on Danny. But that doesn’t mean I think he deserves a new romance in season 14.

Danny Reagan And Linda Reagan Had A Tumultuous Relationship
Danny Never Respected Linda

Danny and Linda have been married since the Blue Bloods pilot, having gotten together long before the show started. The pair even have two children, Jack (Tony Terracian) and Sean (Andrew Terraciano). Linda started the series as a recurring character before moving into the main cast in season 2 and on. After spending the early part of the show as a stay-at-home mom, the former nurse got back to work in season 3. Tragedy struck between seasons 7 and 8 when Linda died in a medical helicopter crash.

It was obviously a calamitous event for Danny, but when I think back on their relationship, I have trouble remembering what the “good times” were. Like a lot of TV cops, Danny had trouble balancing his job and his family, but he didn’t have to be a jerk about it. While he’s not awful to Linda, he takes her for granted way so often, it almost feels like he’s intentionally ignoring her. I get that the job is hard, but Danny could have afforded to show his long-time wife a modicum of love every once in a while.

Danny Needs To Work On Himself Before He Can Begin A New Romance
There Needs To Be More Growth For Danny To Earn Someone New In His Life

Blue Bloods season 14, part 2, is officially the last season of the show and some sections of the fanbase want Danny to finally find true love. Frankly, I don’t know if he deserves it. He may have gotten a little more sympathetic after Linda’s death, but he’s still the same man he was before. I’m going to need to see some major character growth from Danny before I feel comfortable seeing him with another woman. If Danny ends up with a new partner and is just as inconsiderate towards her as he was to Linda, then there’s no point.

Danny Could Redeem Himself Through His Partnership With Baez
Baez And Danny Have Worked Together For Many Years

There is one person I could come around to Danny dating, and that would be his partner Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez). Though nothing romantic has ever happened between the two, they are good friends and excellent partners. Baez has had her fair share of relationship troubles as well, so perhaps someone different like Danny could be of interest.

However, Danny would need to prove that he’s more than just a hot-headed cop for that to work. Danny has eight more episodes of Blue Bloods to show that there’s a more considerate and respectful side of himself. Then he’ll have to get lucky for Baez to actually notice. Good luck, Danny Reagan.

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