“Chicago Fire” was the first installment in Dick Wolfe’s “One Chicago” franchise that would spin off in various directions following all of the emergency personnel working in the Windy City. Since 2012, viewers have tuned in to watch Firehouse 51 put out fires, both literal and metaphorical. But while dealing with all kinds of issues across Chicago would be enough for some shows, “Chicago Fire” knows when to take a step back and allow audiences a chance to see the inner-personal lives of the firefighters who make up the department.
Numerous characters have come and gone from the series over the years, most notably with Lieutenant Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer), who left in Season 10 to live in Oregon, although he’s come back every so often to check in with the crew. Now, it seems the series is set to lose another long-time cast member in the form of Taylor Kinney’s Lieutenant Kelly Severide, who’s been with the show since the beginning.
Not much else is known about Taylor Kinney’s departure
Kelly Severide has gone through a lot during his time on “Chicago Fire.” In addition to handling one emergency after the next, he also recently married his long-time love Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) in Season 10. However, it appears a wrench will be thrown into the happy marriage as Variety broke the news that Taylor Kinney will step away from the series, according to a close source from the production.
The report states that Kinney needs to take a leave of absence to deal with a personal matter. Variety doesn’t mention what the personal matter is, but the outlet has reached out to Wolf Entertainment and NBC for further comments. Expect more details to materialize in the near future.
Kinney’s departure is bound to be a blow to fans. Not many cast members from the first season have stuck around this long, and Kinney’s Severide could be counted on as a recurring figure to help ground the series. It’s also unclear if his leaving will be permanent or temporary. For now, we wish Kinney all the best in whatever he’s going through.