Chicago Fire fans are afraid of which character just signed a death sentence?

Chicago Fire fans are afraid of which character just signed a death sentence?

One particular line in a conversation between Violet and Sam sounds awfully like grim foreshadowing.


– Episode 6 of season 12 was a beautiful farewell to Sylvie Brett, who will no longer be a part of the show
– But one particular conversation between Violet Mikami and Sam Carver had fans raising their eyebrows in suspicion
– Many of them believe it was a foreshadowing of disastrous events to come, possibly resulting in Carver’s death

Over the course of its twelve-season run, Chicago Fire has provided fans with heartwarming moments as well as many shocking twists and turns, some of which have resulted in the tragic deaths of their favorite characters without any warning.

Occasionally, however, there have been subtle clues that a particular character is about to meet their end, and some fans believe they have just seen one of those alarming signs in the latest episode of the series.

Most of the sixth episode of Season 12 focused on the wedding of Matthew Casey and Sylvie Brett, giving fans a final farewell to Kara Killmer’s character, who will no longer be a part of the show.

One Chicago Fire S12 Line Is Way Too Disturbing

But even though the newlyweds were the focus of the episode, many other characters also made an appearance, including Violet Mikami and Sam Carver, and a rather suspicious conversation between the two immediately caught the attention of fans.

Violet poured her heart out to Sam, saying that she wouldn’t be able to survive if something terrible happened to someone she cared about, to which Carver replied that nothing would happen to him, especially while they were dancing.

Fans point out that this line sounds like a death sentence, because when characters say things like this in movies and shows, it almost always ends in disaster.

Violet has lost a partner before, when her boyfriend, Evan Hawkins, heroically gave up his life while saving a victim in the Pickwick Theatre fire, leaving her completely devastated.

In light of all this, their conversation looks awfully like a foreshadowing of grim things to come that will throw Violet into even more turmoil.

Carver May Still Be Safe, Though

Others, however, point out that it doesn’t necessarily mean that Carver will die, as he may just suffer some sort of serious injury that will add more drama to the couple’s storyline.

Plus, the fact that his role on the show has been getting a lot bigger lately might also indicate that the show’s writers aren’t going to kill off the character, at least not anytime soon.

Chicago Fire season 12 episode 7 will premiere on March 20, 2024.

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