But apparently, Blue Bloods producers themselves don’t expect that to happen.
Will there be a new Commish by the end of S14, and who might it be?
Tom Selleck ’s Frank Reagan is the classic blend of on- and off-screen patriarch of his TV show. Having been sitting in the Commissioner’s chair since Blue Bloods Season 1, Frank has been a wize and competent leader of the NY cops throughout the seasons — but the show is drawing to the conclusion, and so is his career.
There’s been a lot of foreshadowing of Frank’s retirement in the past episodes, and it only makes sense that he replaces Henry as the “stay-at-home patriarch.” Right?..
Blue Bloods Boss Denies Frank’s Retirement
We’ve been all led to believe that Frank Reagan won’t stay on the Commissioner’s post by the end of Season 14. From his subtle comments to his seemingly seeking reconciliation with the Mayor at one point, it has surely been looking as if Frank was getting his business in order before passing the position to his successor.
But apparently, Blue Bloods producers themselves don’t expect that to happen.
“I’m pretty sure that Frank would stay in his job until the series ended. We didn’t really pursue that avenue because the show is built on him being the Police Commissioner of New York City. <…> Police Commissioner of New York generates stories. He’s the CEO of 35,000 cops,” showrunner Kevin Wade told TV Insider.
Blue Bloods Bosses Are on a Weird Streak
Admittedly, the creators of our favorite police procedural have been issuing one too many questionable statements lately. Questionable as in, “Then why have you been writing all that into the show in the first place?” Wade denying Frank Reagan’s retirement after inserting several foreshadowing scenes is only one example.
Previously, Kevin Wade also denied Danny and Baez’ happily ever after, also arguing that such a “twist” wouldn’t be good storywize. Those words raised the same question from fans: then why did you include that blatantly teasing scene in S14 Episode 8, just a few episodes ago? What’s the point of foreshadowing things you don’t want to happen in the finale at all?
So many questions, and not a single viable answer.