How can a show with two spinoffs still have so many mysteries??
If you didn’t know already, the Young Sheldon stars Georgie and Mandy are getting their very own spinoff show, titled Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage. The show will apparently be released in 2024, but no solid details have been announced yet. Based on the title, it will presumably pick up from the finale of Young Sheldon which aired last month. Season seven of the highly successful show saw Georgie and Mandy get married and have their baby daughter Cece, so it’s likely that the story will continue on from there.
But once again, Young Sheldon left viewers with as many questions as it did answers. While we have learnt so much from our beginnings at The Big Bang Theory, there is still so much more that remains ambiguous. So Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, if you’re reading this, here’s a list of questions you MUST answer in the Georgie and Mandy spinoff show.
‘First’ marriage?

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What do you mean, the show is called Georgie and Mandy’s FIRST marriage? They’ve barely finished their honeymoon period, and now you’re bringing up divorce? Fans might have seen this coming, especially since the two have hardly been a smooth-sailing couple, but it seems like the writers have a lot in store for us this time. Somebody check on Mary Cooper please.
What happens to Missy?

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Missy is arguably one of the best characters in Young Sheldon. She is sassy, cool and never problematic. She often takes a backseat while her two brothers cause the drama in the house, and has to fight for attention from her parents. She may not have the genius gene that Sheldon was born with, but she can be incredibly sneaky when she wants to get her way. In The Big Bang Theory, she is firstly portrayed as Sheldon’s stunning sister that all the boys fight over, and then seen again pregnant with her third child, which doesn’t really align with the fiery, independent girl we meet in Young Sheldon. I can understand not developing her small cameo in The Big Bang Theory, but after following her story in Young Sheldon, fans are desperate to see more of where she ends up later.
When do the Coopers move?

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If you’re a super fan, you might remember that the Cooper family home in Young Sheldon is a completely different set to the home used in The Big Bang Theory. Perhaps this is just a small inconsistency that the producers expected nobody to notice, but in a show with so many hidden meanings and details, it poses the idea that the family will move after Young Sheldon’s finale. After all, there’s a baby to look after now.
What about Georgie’s tyre career?

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Georgie will presumably start his journey to becoming a successful tire salesman (more on that below). Mandy used to work as a TV weather reporter, and she could potentially return to that if she doesn’t do something else. “I definitely see her having some sort of a career,” Osment said in an interview with TVLine. “I don’t think they can have Mandy just be mom and wife. It’s much funnier when women are stressed out over their career than their children.”
Does Mary return to the church?

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Season seven was a very tough time for Mary Cooper, and losing her husband sent her into an understandable spiral. Despite being fired from the church thanks to Georgie and Mandy’s pregnancy, she became very dependent on her faith. Viewers sympathise with the mother of three, who has had her fair share of battles.
She’s been through a lot, from an unexpected teenage pregnancy out of wedlock, her rocky relationship with George and his affair, and the double burden which everybody seems to forget about. After she’s shunned from the church, it feels like a betrayal from her community. One user on Reddit commented that Georgie’s refusal to marry Mandy “wasn’t Mary’s fault. And yet again, she got unfairly blamed. And it all fell on her.”
What happened to Paige?

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Despite only being in nine episodes, Paige was a hugely popular character. Being a genius turned rebel, she had one of the most interesting storylines and it’s a real shame it wasn’t explored more throughout the show. However, executive producer Steve Holland has already told TV Line that actress Mckenna Grace was “very difficult to get” due to her hugely successful career. “When we got into this season, especially with it being a shortened season, we never thought that [Paige’s storyline] was an arc that needed more closing than it got,” which basically shuts down all hope for any more Paige screen time in the show’s spinoff.
What is Sheldon and Amy’s daughter’s name?

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This answer is an absolute NEED. The finale of Young Sheldon brought fans to tears when an older Sheldon, who has been narrating the show, revealed that he called his son Leonard in honour of his best friend. However, the finale also shows the presence of an unnamed daughter, which left the internet in uproar trying to guess what they might have named her. I heard Penny is a pretty popular girls name these days!