In a dramatic real-life incident, actor Brian J. White, known for his role as Dallas Patterson in Chicago Fire, stepped into action when he and his neighbors confronted a suspected arsonist near his Los Angeles home. Amid the devastating wildfires ravaging Southern California, White’s quick thinking and community effort may have prevented further disaster.
A Shocking Discovery Outside His Home
Brian J. White was preparing to evacuate with his family due to approaching wildfires when he heard commotion outside his house.
“We were packing up, and all of a sudden, out front of our house, I hear screaming, ‘Put it down, put it down,’” White recalled.
Rushing to investigate, White discovered a man later identified as Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva allegedly attempting to ignite a fire using his trash, which included sticks and leaves. This followed reports from a neighbor who saw Sierra-Leyva trying to set fire to an old Christmas tree minutes earlier.
Confronting the Suspect
White and other neighbors sprang into action, detaining the man while waiting for police to arrive. Using zip ties and ropes from nearby garages, they restrained Sierra-Leyva, ensuring he could not continue his alleged attempts. White recounted:
“We backed the guy against our neighbor’s house … asking him why he was in the neighborhood.”
The suspect reportedly appeared disoriented and became aggressive when questioned, claiming he was “looking for a place to hang out.” White expressed skepticism, citing the proximity of wildfires to where Sierra-Leyva was seen with a blowtorch.
The Police Response and Doubts About Evidence
When law enforcement arrived, Sierra-Leyva was not arrested for arson due to insufficient evidence. Instead, he was charged with felony probation violation. White admitted feeling uneasy about the situation:
“The fires were approaching us from where that man had come from … it was suspicious.”
White’s Training and Community Effort
The actor credited his previous roles as law enforcement and first responders in shows like The Shield, Hostages, and Chicago Fire for preparing him to handle the situation calmly and effectively.
“One of the main things [in police training] is staying calm and communicating,” White said.
He emphasized the importance of teamwork, praising his neighbors for their willingness to step in and assist:
“It makes me feel safer in our community to know that people care about each other, not just themselves.”
White’s daughter hid in a closet during the ordeal, fearing for her safety. While the situation was intense, White expressed pride in his instincts to protect his family and community.
A Hero Both On and Off Screen
Brian J. White, who appeared in nine episodes of Chicago Fire as Dallas Patterson, brought elements of his on-screen training into real life. On the show, his character often faced challenges as a firefighter and officer, but this time, White’s bravery transcended fiction.
Reflecting on the incident, White stated:
“We didn’t do it for publicity. We did it to keep our neighborhoods safe.”
White’s actions remind us of the courage and community spirit that can emerge even in the most frightening circumstances, echoing the very themes of resilience and heroism portrayed in Chicago Fire.