Blue Bloods season 14 episode 4 brings in Sonny Malevsky’s son

Blue Bloods season 14 episode 4 brings in Sonny Malevsky’s son

Tonight on Blue Bloods season 14 episode 4, the show complicated matters for Frank Reagan severely, thanks to Sonny Malevsky’s son.

Who is he? Well, it turns out that he is a member of the NYPD now, albeit someone who lied about his family history to get into the job and is now going by the last name “McFadden.” He wanted to distance himself from the family name, and understandably so given that Sonny was the man responsible for Joe Reagan’s death.

Sonny was actually a part of an act of heroism in the field; yet, once Frank learned the truth, he had to determine whether or not to keep him employed. there were two issues at play here. Obviously, there was the personal strife associated with having Sonny’s kid being a part of the force. Then, there was the lie he told on his application — and as Frank put it, a lie of omission is still very much a lie.

Frank did not fire McFadden right away, preparing to take the time to mull it over. The cop made some valid points; namely, that he would never be allowed to wear the bad if Frank knew the truth from the start.

What did Frank decide?

He recognized pretty soon that this was not a decision he wanted to make on his own; instead, he brought up the subject at family dinner and the results were mixed. Some were staunchly against it, whereas some others were more on the fence.

Then, there was Joe Hill. After a private conversation between Frank and Joe Reagan’s son (arguably the best scene of the whole episode, and the best Tom Selleck performance in years), Frank arranged for the two to sit down with McFadden. They were the two men most impacted by what happened so many years ago, and they deserved to be at the core of this.

Frank decided to allow McFadden to keep his shield, though he will be disciplined for his dishonesty. This feels right the right choice and yet, as a viewer, who are we to say? It is really for those involved in such an experience to decide.

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