Blue Bloods Season 14: Another Brilliant Story Makes It Even More Painful That This Series Is Almost Over

Blue Bloods Season 14: Another Brilliant Story Makes It Even More Painful That This Series Is Almost Over

Seven episodes out from the series finale, Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11 gave us everything that makes the series’ cancelation so painful.

Danny, Baez, Eddie, and Erin all got tangled up in a case where the stakes couldn’t be higher, Frank dealt with a compelling clash between his friend’s desires and his personal values, and Jamie learned a lesson in letting go after someone stole the car that was once his brother’s.

By the time the ending credits rolled, we’d shared another few laughs with the Reagans at one of their family dinners, all too keenly aware that there aren’t many more of those left.

Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11 Took The Unusual Step Of Tying Several Cases Together
With the exception of the final showdown between Frank and Sonny Malevsky during Blue Bloods Season 1, I can’t think of a time when most of the family worked together on one case.

The Malevsky case was purposeful, too, as Frank and Danny knew that Sonny had killed Joe and threatened Jamie, so they took matters into their own hands.

This was different. Erin, Danny, and Eddie each were working their own case, only to discover that all roads led back to Carlos Ramirez when they hit literal dead ends.

Of the three, Eddie’s was the most compelling.

The TV trope of a cop adopting an orphaned child found at the crime scene has gotten old, but Eddie’s story took it in a new direction.

Amelia was only ever going to be hers temporarily, but taking care of her for a few days sparked Eddie’s desire to have children.

I’m thrilled about that, although it breaks my heart that we won’t get to experience much of Jamie and Eddie raising their child unless it’s in a not-yet-developed Blue Bloods spinoff.

I’d bet almost anything these two have been thinking about starting a family for a while, even though they’ve never talked about it before Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11.

Jamie quickly supported Eddie’s desire to be a mother and suggested they start tonight, yet the scene didn’t feel rushed at all.

They had to have had other conversations about this off-screen.

Eddie’s Interactions With Amelia On Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11 Were Amazing
Eddie had a tough job ahead of her after she and Badillo found Amelia hiding at the scene of her mother’s murder.

The child was so traumatized she didn’t speak and communicated with Eddie through non-verbal cues like sitting up or nodding.

On top of that, Eddie dealt with a detective who was in a rush to question the child and who felt a need to call her a bitch when she wouldn’t let him.

The way Eddie stood up for Amelia would have made Law & Order: SVU‘s Olivia Benson proud.

It’s always challenging to depict serious mental health issues well, especially in kids.

The young actress playing Amelia on Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11 did a terrific job playing a child who was so upset by the violence she’d witnessed that she didn’t speak.

I teared up when Amelia thanked Eddie. It was the first and only time she spoke during the entire episode.

I wondered what she was thinking after her father took her hostage. She knew he killed her mother, so she had to be scared, but she bravely escaped him and ran to the cops.

In a perfect world, that kid would get a lot of therapy.

Sadly, in real life, lots of kids like that fall through the cracks, but Blue Bloods has seven episodes left to give us a happier update than that.

I’m not sure that this is the end of Ramirez’s reign of terror. He flew away in his helicopter, which means he could cause more trouble later.

With a limited number of episodes left, hopefully, there isn’t room for a sequel to his troublemaking. I’ve had more than enough of him.

Erin’s Dilemma Was The Hardest To Believe
I loved the high-stakes story about Erin possibly getting disbarred based on a lie, though it was hard to believe that the judge and Queens DA just took the woman’s word for it that Erin suddenly decided to pressure jurors to do what she wanted.

Not only is Erin’s record impeccable but she’s helped take down corrupt DAs before. The theory that this was some personal vendetta against a drug cartel leader was laughable.

There was no real proof that Erin had done anything wrong except the juror’s word for it, but the Queens DA was so determined to take her down that she decided that flimsy claim was an airtight case and never considered whether the juror was a reliable source.

She was so one-sided that I thought the plot twist was going to be that she was also on Ramirez’s payroll.

Debi Mazur played the hard-nosed DA perfectly, but I hope she goes back to Queens and has no reason to return.

Erin’s story seemed like a vehicle to move her and Jack back toward each other and stop the will-they-won’t-they nonsense that’s been going on the last few seasons.

In the past, I’ve preferred her with Anthony, but it would be too much to ask for that to happen AND for Danny and Baez to get together on top of Jamie and Eddie having a baby.

We’re getting one of those before the series ends, judging from how this is going so far, so I won’t get greedy.

Besides, Jack is a lot more like the kind of person I don’t mind Erin hanging out with than he has been in the past.

If they can find forgiveness and reconcile before the series ends, good for them.

Jamie’s Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11 Story Was About Letting Go
Jamie’s story was the one that got to me the most.

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