Best Quotes From The Twilight Cast About Their Time Filming

The Twilight saga is nearing status as a cult classic of the 2000s. Although it may seem like the vampire love story was just in theaters yesterday, the first film debuted in 2008, and the last installation was released in 2012. Many of the actors in Twilight were just starting to make a name for themself.

Nowadays, they’re certified superstars and more of their personalities have shown through in the many interviews they’ve done about filming the Twilight films–and some of the things they have to say are downright hilarious.

Robert Pattinson:
“The hardest scene to film was probably the birth scene in Breaking Dawn – Part 1, mainly because it was hilarious, and it was supposed to be really serious.”

Rob Pattinson has a reputation for being a quirky guy, especially in interviews, and from what he’s shared, it seems like he’s the resident class clown of the set. With that in mind, it’s not surprising at all that Pattinson had a hard time keeping a straight face while his vampire soulmate was bleeding to death in childbirth.

Breaking Dawn had some majorly cringey film editing, including Bella’s gaunt pregnant dummy body double and Renesmee’s terrifying CGI face. The birth scene was sure to have some snicker-inducing scenarios because of all the weird added movie magic.

“I never understood the physics of how that happened–how it spins and then goes straight sideways. If he was driving a Volvo, it wouldn’t have happened.”

If die-hard fans of the series haven’t watched the director’s commentary version of the films, which feature Pattinson, Stewart, and sometimes Lautner, then they’re missing out on some amazing insights into the filming of the film series. Pattinson’s roasts from the director’s commentary are especially hilarious.

He makes jokes about not knowing the cameras were rolling, or explaining the reasoning behind a single glance or laugh in a take. Additionally, he makes a jokey product placement for the official car of the Twilight saga, saying that if Tyler had been driving a Volvo, he never would have skidded on the ice in the first place.

Kristen Stewart:
“Me and Rob got into a lot of trouble [in Twilight]. We wanted it to be not so polished. [The studio] wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob not to be so brooding. We were like ‘No! You need to brood your a** off!”

This quote is mostly hilarious because fans can’t imagine a smiley Bella or less-brooding Edward. The thing that makes Twilight what it is is the angsty nature of the main characters of the series. Many would say that the writers could have even gone stronger with Edward’s moodiness.

Some of the Twilight quotes that fans wish were in the movies showcase the vampire teen’s flair for the dramatic even more than the movie script did. Plus, a constant smile would look odd paired with Bella’s other nervous mannerisms, like running her hand through her hair or biting her lip.

Anna Kendrick:
“You know, this is a really great group of people and I’m sure that we would be friends at a different time, but I want to murder everyone.”

It would never be said that Forks, Washington is a dream destination. Although some have gone as far as to visit real-life Forks and detail their trip in TtikToks that Twilight fans would love, it’s not a warm or sunny location. Drenched and cranky, Kendrick recalls her time shooting the first film as completely miserable.

She describes time on set as a trauma bond between the cast members and crew, which is hilarious in and of itself. The idea of Kendrick tapping into her inner Jessica to complain about her ruined shoes is very in character.

Taylor Lautner:
“The wig, it was a very important costar. There was hatred between the both of us. It did not like me, I did not like it. Not fond memories.”

Die-hard fans of the series already know that Jacob’s long, flowing locks of the first and second film were actually a wig. Apparently, though, they didn’t get along very well. He was, most likely, very happy when the wig got cut after his transformation in New Moon, and his character was featured more.

Most of the time, Lautner’s problem was with not having enough on, as he commented in an MTV interview that he had no fun being the only shirtless one. It’s hilarious to know that his first problem was with having a little too much on in the form of some fake hair.

Nikki Reed:
“I remember Catherine Hardwicke had all of us take this cat movement class, so that we could move our bodies in a way that felt cat-like.”

A cat movement class sounds absolutely amazing, and cat parents reading about it will surely Google the closest one, so that they can bond with their fur babies. While it’s hilarious to picture Robert Pattinson crawling around the ground like a cat, it’s also a really interesting take on how the first director thought that vampires would move and act.

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