It’s officially been five years since part one of the saga’s finale premiered
No one hates the Twilight saga more than well, the cast of the Twilight saga.
Sure, the book-to-movie series launched the careers of titular stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, but that doesn’t mean they look back on their time as vampires and werewolves with the fondest of memories.
And believe it or not, today marks the fifth year anniversary of Breaking Dawn: Part 1’s release, so what better reason to reminisce on Bella and Edward’s star-crossed romance than with a look back at how much K. Stew and R-Patz just couldn’t stand it.
So without further ado, E! News presents an unofficial lesson in trash-talking and tea-spilling courtesy of the actors and actresses who lived to tell the tale:
Robert Pattinson: Even Edward Cullen himself shaded the film franchise in a 2011 interview with Vanity Fair, admitting that it felt “weird” to be “kind of representing something you don’t particularly like.” When asked by Moviefone if he’d catch the flick in theaters had he not been its leading man, Pattinson responded, “I would just mindlessly hate it.”
Then in 2013, the 30-year-old dealt one final blow to the Twilight fandom, musing to Germany’s Interview magazine, “Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with Twilight. Day and Night.” Yikes…
Kristen Stewart: No one understands the double-edged sword that was Twilight superstardom better than Stewart. On one hand, the then 18-year-old was suddenly thrust into the limelight, but after the five-part series finally wrapped in 2012, she found herself admittedly pigeon-holed as a one-hit wonder.
In 2015, Kristen explained to The Hollywood Reporter that coping with the public’s fascination with her personal life was a “huge lifestyle shift” and that “a whole lot of other baggage—really heavy and really cool baggage—came along with it.”
Kristen most recently stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show with fresh insight into her “uncomfortable” breakout role, telling the talk show host, “I don’t jump right back into those memories, but as soon as you see a picture you’re just, ‘Oh, god, it’s like yesterday.'”
Taylor Lautner: One aspect of playing Jacob Black that Lautner doesn’t miss one bit? Getting naked for the camera.
“Taking the shirt off, for sure,” he told E! News in 2012. “It’s not fun.”
Lautner explained his qualm further, “One, when we film these movies in like horrendous weather conditions and in the books it’s always supposed to be cold and gloomy and the sun can never be out so that’s not fun. And then the second thing is, I’m always the only person with my shirt off, so… I wish just everybody could, you know, do it once and then you know, it would make me feel more comfortable.”
Unlike the washboard abs, we’d have to agree with Taylor’s hatred for that infamous black ‘do of his. “The wig, it was a very important co-star. Right now I’m not missing much,” Lautner joked to MTV News a year after filming wrapped. “There was hatred between both of us. It did not like me, I did not like it. Not fond memories.”
Don’t blame you one bit, Taylor.
Nikki Reed & Kellan Lutz: The onscreen vampires have been equally as candid when it comes to dissing the franchise.
During a 2011 sit-down with Seventeen magazine, Reed brought up onset beef between her co-stars: “In the beginning, it was innocent and fun, and we were like one big happy family—it was like being at sleepaway camp. And then success comes along and changes the dynamic.” Nikki later told Popcorn Biz, “I don’t feel particularly sentimental. I feel like we’re all sort of ready to graduate middle school and move on to whatever the next chapter is.”
As any seventh grader would say, middle school drama ain’t nothing to scoff at.
When it comes to Lutz, he dished to Document Journal, “I didn’t like the script… How scary would a glimmering vampire really be? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Anna Kendrick: When Kendrick wasn’t cast in the final Breaking Dawn installment, we’d like to think no one jumped for joy higher than the actress.
“It’s a relief not to have to transverse into the murky waters of talking about Twilight,” she told BBC in 2012, and in a separate press junket interview threw her arms up in the air and shrieked excitedly, “I can tell you this… I’m not in [Breaking Dawn: Part 2]! So I don’t have to talk about it!”