After 5: After Everything (2023) Ending Explained – Does Tessa forgive Hardin? Do they end up together?

After Everything Plot Summary
Hardin’s debut novel about he and Tessa’s relationship is being received favorably which prompts his agent to prod him for a sequel. It’s been a while since Tessa broke up with Hardin for good after she finds out he published a novel detailing the ups and downs in their relationship without her permission.

As Hardin struggles to write while dealing with writer’s block, he tries to understand why he can’t get over Tessa. Hardin decides to visit his first girlfriend, Natalie, and tries to reconcile with her. Years ago, Hardin had made a bet with his friends and had leaked his sex tape with Natalie, who was a minor at the time.

The incident ruined Natalie’s life which forced her to move away from her family. Hardin apologises to Natalie and reconciles with her. He also tells Natalie that he was in love with Tessa and will always continue to love her no matter what.

Hardin & Tessa Reunite At The Wedding | After Everything - YouTube

Hardin gets in a fight with Natalie’s friend, who has a crush on him. He is caught by the cops and put in prison where Vance shows up to bail him out.

What does Vance tell Hardin?
Vance asks Hardin to move on from Tessa and take a break from writing if that is what he wants. Hardin tells his biological father that he can’t just give up on Tessa. Vance explains to Hardin how love is not finite and adds that he still loves Hardin’s mother.

Vance argues that just because he will always love Trish, it doesn’t mean that he can’t love someone else or have a full life. Hardin still decides to stay back and give his second novel another shot. Vance leaves a wedding invitation from Landon addressed to Hardin.

What does Hardin do after Vance leaves?
Hardin decides to turn his life around and throws away the alcohol he was drinking. He dedicates more time to his novel and starts writing about his life before Tessa, this time focussing the story of his past with Natalie and his reconciliation. Natalie shows up at Hardin’s place from time to time and the two hang out on and off.

After Natalie tries to kiss Hardin, he makes it clear that he doesn’t want to start a half-assed relationship with her as he still loves Tessa. The next few weeks go by with Hardin spending day in and day out writing his novel.

What does Hardin give Natalie before going back home?
Before leaving to attend Landon’s wedding, Hardin gives Natalie the first print of his second novel. He asks her to read it and seeks Natalie’s permission before having it published, something he didn’t ask Tessa. Natalie is impressed and thanks Hardin for the gesture.

Hardin leaves Natalie on a happy note, glad that she has forgiven him for his juvenile mistake that almost ruined her life. Hardin’s second novel is titled ‘Before’ and it details his life before meeting Tessa. He buys a house for Natalie; her dream house as a gesture of apology. Natalie texts Hardin and thanks him, wishing him all the best for his future.

Does Tessa forgive Hardin?
Tessa is at Landon’s wedding where she is the maid of honor. Landon’s to-be wife tells Tessa that she was sure Hardin would show up and Tessa gets anxious, worried how she would feel with Hardin around. Hardin shows up as the wedding and the two walk down the aisle, hand-in-hand as the best man and maid of honor.

The two chat for a bit and Tessa starts blushing. Hardin gives an emotional speech for Landon and takes accountability for his past mistakes which makes him lose his ‘one of a kind’ love. Tessa gets emotional over the speech and goes inside for a bit.

The couple make up and Tessa tells Hardin that she was very worried about putting their relationship out for public scrutiny when she first read the manuscripts of Hardin’s novel. The two have a mature conversation and Tessa forgives Hardin. The two make love and Tessa eventually apologises for pulling away from Hardin without having communicated with him.

Do Hardin and Tessa get married?
After Tessa forgives Hardin, he proposes to her, asking Tessa to marry him. Tessa agrees to do so, some day in the future.

How does After 5: After Everything end?
A flash-forward from a few years after shows Tessa at her house on Christmas day, waiting for Hardin to show up. She is pregnant. The couple hasn’t gotten married yet but they have a daughter named Emery together and are expecting their second child.

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