A ‘Twilight’ TV Show Is a Great Idea, Actually

For Twilight fans, it might be difficult to picture anyone but Kristen StewartRobert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner playing the mystical and moody starring trio, but almost a year ago, news broke that the Twilight saga is being made into a TV series. Lionsgate Television is currently in the early stages of the process that will turn the bestselling fantasy books by Stephenie Meyer into a show. Recently, it was announced that the series would be an animated series rather than live-action. It seems that nostalgic remakes are all the rage, and it’s certainly not new for live-action franchises to turn to animation in future projects. It is safe to say that there are mixed feelings about whether Twilight should be remade as well. Already having made the remarkable transition from an oft-derided, teen-oriented fantasy franchise to an indisputable cult hit, the Twilight franchise is set to see another transformation, and not only is it definitely a good thing — it’s actually exactly what the franchise needs.

A ‘Twilight’ TV Show Can Use the Source Material to Its Full Potential

We first saw the Twilight book series and film series in their heyday during the 2000s and early 2010s when “Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?” was a crucial question. The films successfully adapted the compelling events from the books to create an addictive world of forbidden love featuring a central love triangle between an underestimated girl, a hunky werewolf, and a smoldering vampire. On top of the juicy love triangle, there are some surprisingly worthwhile messages which reflect that the franchise is more thoughtful than it may appear.

It is undeniable that the Romeo-and-Juliet-levels of illicit love between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are engrossing, and the tantalizing question of whom Bella will ultimately choose between Edward and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) keeps much of the plot moving, but these shallower romantic themes distract from deeper readings.

Against the odds, Bella follows her heart and makes the bold decision to be with the one she loves. By courageously enduring the trials of love, defying the norms of her peer group, and confronting tangible vampiric threats, she is rewarded, eventually becoming a physically strong and talented vampire herself. It highlights that remaining authentic to yourself is key and that the hard work it takes to maximize your true potential pays off. These are inspiring yet substantial themes which a series could explore further, creating a meaningful adaptation.

A ‘Twilight’ TV Show Is an Opportunity To Fix the Movies’ Biggest Problems

Edward (Robert Pattinson) holding Bella (Kristen Stewart) in Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1

There’s no question that there were some problematic ideas within the Twilight books and the movie franchise. Arguably the most egregious of these was the appropriation of the Quileute tribe, a real tribe who are fictionalized as shape-shifting werewolves in the Twilight saga. In a new series, the mistakes made regarding the Quileute Nation could be rectified, with harmful depictions and misrepresentations avoided, thus changing an integral part of the Twilight story for the better. The importance of representation should also reflect research on the real world Native people who live in the area. In this way, a TV show could be a mindful way forward for the saga.

Another misstep in the existing Twilight franchise was the characterization of Edward. Edward has a habit of stalking Bella, to the extent that he sneaks into her room at night without her knowledge. This is portrayed as romantic evidence of his irresistible love for her. However, it’s hard not to see it in 2024 as something that is highly problematic, and by its nature is conduct that Bella cannot consent to. A new series creates the opportunity to right these wrongs, and even use it as a chance to have a conversation about consent and abuse. As this is one of the biggest parts of the book that haven’t aged well, a new series could offer a new take on their romance.

Lastly, there is the question of the infamous CGI baby — and her inappropriate relationship with Jacob. Her appearance the subject of many hilarious memes. This horrifying spectacle was intended to be a beautiful, otherworldly half-vampire child. Unfortunately, this was not the case, and CGI baby “Renesmee” (Bella and Edward’s child) looked nightmarish. But aside from the CGI, the truly appalling development was when adult Jacob “imprinted” on baby Renesmee.

Twilight lore says that imprinting involves a shape-shifter meeting their soulmate, and becoming intensely attached to them for life. Although this attachment is supposedly platonic if the person imprinted on is underaged, the clear power dynamic at the heart of the relationship is hard to ignore with the age gap. Renesmee never consented to this devoted attention, and she could be vulnerable to manipulation in a romantic relationship as she gets older. The new series could rewrite this by changing how imprinting works or making it reciprocal . Certainly, a TV show could improve this unwelcome element of the Twilight universe.

‘Twilight’s Gloomy, Dark Tone Fits in With Today’s Trends

Bella Swan in 'Twilight', she is a white teenage girl looking back thoughtfully.

With the green-blue tones of the first film being particularly iconic, the existing five Twilight movies really leaned into a deliciously self-indulgent gloomy world of pining teens and angsty emotions. The soundtrack, which looked to rock band Muse as its key reference, along with the stunning misty vistas of North America, plus the emotionally-laden acting, all combine to form a fantastically Gothic aesthetic. The series could certainly maintain the essence of the movies.

This theatrically somber aesthetic can also be seen in hit shows like WednesdayStranger Things, and in darker moments, Euphoria, all of which have taken the world by storm. Therefore, the upcoming Twilight series could take note of shows such as these, devising an updated version of Twilight‘s signature melancholy, which judging by the ongoing popularity of such YA shows with dark themes, there clearly is an appetite for. With a complicated love story, thrilling action sequences, and immortal glittering vampires, an update to the Twilight saga could reinvigorate the story and the book franchise. While there’s much to love about the original story, there’s always room for improvement.

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