A Twilight Fan Peed on Robert Pattinson- The Batman Star Has Seen Some Rough Days Suffering From Success of His $3.3 Billion Franchise

Have you ever wondered how far fans might go in their adoration for a celebrity? Enter Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, and Kristen Stewart, who were shot to fame in 2008 with the release of Twilight.

Among the many outlandish fan stories from this era, Pattinson’s might just take the cake. Imagine being a heartthrob and dealing with fans who went to the extreme to show their devotion by urinating on The Batman star himself! Yes, you read that right. When Twilight mania struck, it was a bizarre yet entertaining moment, proving fans would walk through fire and brimstone for their idols. 

Robert Pattinson’s fan devotion reached new heights when someone urinated on him.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight | Credit: Summit Entertainment

Pattinson’s run-ins with fans certainly show that when it comes to Twilight fandom, things can get hilariously out of hand. But sometimes, they take it a bit too literally!

Robert Pattinson’s Most Bizarre Encounters With a Twilight Fan

Since Robert Pattinson rocketed to fame as a teenage heartthrob in The Twilight Saga, he’s been caught up in a frenzy of fan adoration. Despite the success of the $3.3 billion franchise (The Numbers), the actor, 38, has had his fair share of rough patches as the fandom has stayed rock solid. 

He once recounted a particularly bizarre fan encounter where a Twilight fan went so far as to urinate on him. He described the experience as “pretty intense,” illustrating just how far some fans are willing to go to express their devotion. To quote Pattinson (via Instagram):

One peed on me once…It was pretty intense.

Meanwhile, the actor once defended his devoted fanbase from being labeled as “crazy” in their adoration for him and the Twilight franchise. In a chat with the BBC, he remarked:

People put down ‘Twilight’ fans, but yesterday I got given on the red carpet in Berlin all these books from people who are lined up in the rain and are probably judged by everyone to be crazy. I got a signed first edition of the Martin Amis book, ‘Money’; a Lawrence Ferlinghetti book; the new [Michel] Houellebecq book. All these people come up and give what they’ve been reading and found interesting.
Pattinson once had a stalker who camped outside his apartment for so long that he decided to have dinner with her.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight | Credit: Summit Entertainment

In 2009, Pattinson recounted an even stranger story to Crème Magazine (via FarOut Magazine). While filming in Spain, he had a stalker who parked herself outside his apartment every single day for weeks. Feeling lonely and bored, the actor decided to have dinner with her.

The date didn’t lead to a sequel; rather, he used it as a chance to vent about his life, which apparently bored her enough to make her disappear from his doorstep. He quipped:

I just complained about everything in my life, and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.

So, while Pattinson’s fan encounters might seem like scenes from a wacky comedy, they’re a reminder that stardom often comes with its own set of peculiarities.

The Oddest Celebrity Interactions: Robert Pattinson’s Wildest Request

Another die-hard Twilight fan once asked Pattinson to lick their blood.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight | Credit: Summit Entertainment

Entertainment Tonight unearthed a blast from the past with an Instagram throwback to the 2008 Twilight premiere. In the video, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner field questions from an interviewer, and the former’s story is a real gem.

When asked about peculiar fan interactions, the Remember Me actor served up this classic:

I know everyone is like wetting their pants. I had some girls come up to me the other day who’d pre-bitten themselves, so they were bleeding when “I know everyone is like wetting their pants. I had some girls come up to me the other day who’d pre-bitten themselves, so they were bleeding when they came up and they’re like ‘Look, we’re already bleeding, can you just lick a little bit of blood?

Stewart had her share of quirky questions, too. She recounted the most unusual one she heard: “How did it feel to kiss a vampire?” It’s no surprise fans wanted every juicy detail about her on-screen smooches with Pattinson, probably hoping to catch a whiff of a real-life romance.

Despite these bizarre encounters, all three stars look back at their Twilight journey with fondness, recognizing the franchise as a golden ticket that opened many doors in their careers.

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