A New Path Unfolds for Jason Hayes in SEAL Team S7E8: Will This Opportunity Change Everything?

A New Path Unfolds for Jason Hayes in SEAL Team S7E8: Will This Opportunity Change Everything?
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: With just three episodes left in the seventh and final season of ‘SEAL Team,’ the stakes are higher than ever as Bravo Team attempts to disrupt a Chinese-sponsored fentanyl trafficking ring. The sixth episode of ‘SEAL Team’ includes key developments that foreshadow Bravo Team’s future, as Omar Hamza (Raffi Barsoumian) assumes leadership in Jason Hayes’ (David Boreanaz) absence and Raymond ‘Ray’ Perry (Neil Brown Jr.) completes the mission.
What’s more, Hayes’ challenges are overwhelming, as he is shocked by the accidental overdose of his son, Michael Hayes, aka Mikey (Ammon Jacob Ford). In the latest episode, major developments occur that foreshadow the future of the characters we love.

Episode 7, titled ‘Mission Creep’, highlights character developments and new opportunities as the Bravo team prepares for more challenges.

1. Will Jason Hayes agree to be the head of the TBI team?

A..J. Buckley and Toni Trucks in a still from 'SEAL Team' (@cbs)

‘SEAL Team’ has highlighted TBI (traumatic brain injury) in a thorough way, which is also effectively summarized in Season 7, where we see Hayes’ battle with it. Finally, there is a glimmer of optimism when in the latest episode, Captain Walch (Dylan Walsh) and Lieutenant Colonel Eric Blackburn (Judd Lormand) inform Hayes that they are setting up a position to work full-time for TBI.

This is good news for Hayes as he has been asking for a department for soldiers with trauma for a long time. This is much needed as we have seen Hayes battle the disease before and it makes for a nice end to his character arc. I am quite optimistic that Hayes will take on this job and that he will take on this new role, guiding and monitoring the recovery of those affected.

2. Will Drew Franklin and Chelsea Wallen get together?

We met Drew Franklin (Beau Knapp), a new member of Bravo Squad who has an estranged relationship with his influential family with some dark secrets and was contacted by a journalist Chelsea Wallen (Emma Jessop) while working on a podcast to expose the family’s secrets. family.

In the latest episode, Drew and Chelsea shared an intimate moment, but Chelsea quickly pulled away and left. This could signal the emergence of a new couple, with Drew and Chelsea potentially becoming a couple by the end of the show. This development will provide a compelling conclusion to Drew’s storyline as he struggles with the loss of his previous team and faces challenges on his own.

3. Will Jason Hayes be able to expose the real culprits behind Michael Hayes’ overdose?

In the latest episode, we saw Hayes trying to get Mikey to talk about the accidental overdose but the young man was tight-lipped. However, Hayes did not give up and left a voicemail for Coach Turek wanting to discuss the matter further.

While Hayes is determined to do the right thing as a Navy officer, it will certainly cause a rift between him and his son. However, I believe Mikey will realize this, and perhaps father and son will come to an understanding of each other’s stance before the show ends.

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