A New Chapter for 9-1-1: Where Should Firefighters Land Next?

9-1-1 - “No Place Like Home” (Disney/Christopher Willard) OLIVER STARK, AISHA HINDS, RYAN GUZMAN, KENNETH CHOI, BRIAN THOMPSON

Will any of the original characters from the original series or Lone Star make their way to the new spinoff so that audiences will already know a familiar face? Or will the new series feature an entirely new cast?

Will they keep the same setting as the other shows or change things up a bit?

And the most important question is: which cities will the spinoff take place in?

Many American cities would make for a great new adventure, and some make more sense than others. But that won’t stop me from compiling a list of the top seven cities I’d like to see the next group of first responders settle in!

Let me know in the comments what you think of the list once you’ve checked it out!

The Big Apple is a pretty obvious choice since it’s New York and we’ve seen a million first responder shows set there over the years.

But 9-1-1 is unlike any other. It just kicked off the eighth season of the original series with a collision between a commercial plane and a smaller plane.

You won’t see that anywhere else on television.

Being one of the most densely populated cities in the world, there’s no shortage of potential emergencies. And think of all the places they could hang out around that huge city.

Think emergencies near some famous landmarks (because there won’t be any emergencies inside the Statue of Liberty—that’s bad for business!) or an unexpected event on the steps of the MET.

Major emergencies to start the season may require a little imagination, but if there’s one thing we can expect from this series, it’s over-the-top action that may not be entirely realistic but will be entertaining.

The show took a trip to Boston in Episode 12 of Season 5 9-1-1, where Chimney visited an old friend from 118 after getting information about Maddie’s whereabouts after she left Los Angeles.

If they decide to take the show to Boston, they’ve got Eli there, who could serve as a bridge to the original show and provide a good reason for another crossover in the future.

Chimney could come to town again for a visit (anyone want a secret pilot?), and from there, we could have him help out at the fire station and introduce us to the new cast through a familiar face.

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