Chicago Fire welcomes a new Chief when the show returns to NBC on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Enter Dermot Mulroney as Dom Pascal, Firehouse 51’s new no-nonsense, by-the-book, Chief who instantly divides opinion with his methods. But wait? What ever happened to Hermann’s ambitions to step into Boden’s shoes? The hour, titled “A Monster in the Field,” reveals that Hermann never took that test, despite Mouch being solidly in his corner. Now Pascal, a man with 27 years experience in the field, the last 10 of which were in Miami, has the coveted position, and great plans to radically shake up how things are done. Pascal kicks things off by confiscating the crew’s phones at lunch — to force dialogue and better communications. However, when he kicks things up a notch with daily performance reviews, early starts, and a rap on the knuckles with the code book for Severide about working with family members (He means Kidd, and not Damon fyi), the new Chief quickly begin to polarize opinions. While some see the new Chief as conscientious, brave, and astute, others (Kidd and Severide) wonder if he might be hiding something behind that ‘new broom sweeps clean’ demeanour. (They’re not wrong!)
Meanwhile, the hour sees Violet coming to the realization she owes Carver an apology, even announcing to the team “I want this to work.” Everyone is onboard with the idea. Except for Carver, who seems to be entertaining a new flame from Texas. Ouch! And while Kidd and Severide are still on the fence over starting a family, as Severide gets closer to half brother Damon, Cruz wonders if their closeness might interfere with their ability to focus on the job. Oh oh! It looks like Severide might be facing a second slap of that code book. Chicago Fire returns with “A Monster in the Field” on Wednesday, Sept. 23 (9-10 p.m. ET) on NBC. The series stars Taylor Kinney as Lt. Kelly Severide, David Eigenberg as Lt. Christopher Herrmann, Miranda Rae Mayo as Lt. Stella Kidd, Dermot Mulroney as Chief Dom Pascal, Hanako Greensmith as Paramedic in Charge Violet Mikami, Jocelyn Hudon as Lizzy Novak, Christian Stolte as Randy “Mouch” McHolland, Joe Miñoso as Joe Cruz, Daniel Kyri as Darren Ritter, Jake Lockett as Sam Carver, and Michael Bradway as Damon.