Joe Minoso, known for his role as Joe Cruz on Chicago Fire, recently shared an exciting moment from behind the scenes. The actor revealed that Yuri Sardarov, who played Otis, paid a surprise visit to the set of Season 13. This nostalgic reunion highlights the enduring bond between the two actors, both on and off-screen.
Joe Cruz Faces Challenges, but Joe Minoso Has Reason to Celebrate
On-screen, Joe Cruz is navigating intense challenges. In recent episodes, his past has resurfaced in the form of blackmail, jeopardizing his career. The storyline is an unexpected callback to events from Season 1, leaving fans on edge about Cruz’s future.
Off-screen, however, Minoso had a heartwarming moment when his former co-star and close friend, Yuri Sardarov, stopped by the set. While Sardarov has not appeared on Chicago Fire since his character’s emotional departure in Season 8, his visit brought back fond memories for the cast and crew.
A Nostalgic Surprise at the Start of Season 13
Minoso recounted the visit in an interview with Screen Rant, explaining that Sardarov dropped by during the early days of filming Season 13. “I think it was the beginning of the season,” Minoso shared. “He visited the set and got to see a lot of people, and it brought up a lot of old feelings—just talk about nostalgia, man.”
Minoso praised Sardarov as one of the best people he’s ever worked with and expressed how much he values their friendship. “He’s the absolute best human. I love him,” Minoso added. “I will always love him.”
A Friendship Forged from the Start
The connection between Minoso and Sardarov runs deep, dating back to the very beginning of Chicago Fire. Minoso revealed that they were the final two actors cast for the show’s pilot, joining the team after the rest of the cast had already gone through “fireman camp.”
“Yuri and I were the last two cast on the show,” Minoso explained. “Everybody had already been here for a week doing fireman camp stuff, and we came in on the last day of all of that and sort of got a crash course in everything together.” This shared experience formed the foundation of a lasting friendship.
Otis Lives on in Cruz’s Storyline
Even though Sardarov is no longer part of the series, Otis’ presence continues to resonate in Cruz’s life. Minoso highlighted this connection by pointing out that Cruz named his son Otis as a tribute to his late friend. “There’s no Cruz without Otis,” Minoso said, emphasizing the importance of their friendship in shaping his character’s journey.
While fans still mourn Otis’ tragic departure, it’s comforting to know that the real-life bond between Minoso and Sardarov remains strong. Their friendship serves as a reminder of the deep connections forged both on and off the screen in the Chicago Fire family.