Gerry Turner cozies up to Susan Noles in sweet Golden Bachelor reunion but fans are fuming

Gerry Turner cozies up to Susan Noles in sweet Golden Bachelor reunion but fans are fuming

The cast of Golden Bachelor reunited for a wholesome selfie at the finale of The Bachelor but fans weren’t happy with who Gerry Turner was posing next to.

There was a Golden Bachelor reunion

Gerry Turner has found himself in hot water with fans…again.

This time, the 72-year-old ABC got under fans’ skin when he shared a sweet snap from his time at The Bachelor season finale on Monday evening.

It appeared some of his fellow Golden Bachelor cast were in attendance including Leslie Fahima, Susan Noles, Sandra Mason, and his wife Theresa Nist.

The Golden Bachelor gang gathered for a selfie but Gerry decided to cuddle up to Susan and Sandra while Theresa posed with Bachelor runner-up, Daisy Kent, and others.

This small detail didn’t sit right with fans with one user making it known in Gerry’s comment section.

One infuriated user @shoreshack725 wrote: “Too bad you are not standing beside your beautiful wife!”

As a second @chrissy105 added: “I watched his wife at their tv finale and she did not stand still she was going around hugging everyone.”

Others jumped to Gerry and Theresa’s defense, like @sadie.mae.girl who clapped back: “Woman..what is your problem? Married people do not need to stand by each other in photos, you’re just a hater, grow up.”

And @monicacuster787 said: “Sheesh! It was probably a quick spur of the moment photo. Why do people always have to make an issue about something!”

Theresa got some grief under her picture from the night too, as she uploaded a snap with Gerry, Leslie, Sandra, and Lexi Young.

Fan @ocean99944 remarked: “You left Leslie with Gerry back there?” to which Theresa hit back: “Love Leslie!”

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