Young Sheldon fans aren’t sure if Sheldon’s actually smart

Young Sheldon fans aren’t sure if Sheldon’s actually smart

Iain Armitage in Young Sheldon

Young Sheldon fans are beginning to question Sheldon Cooper’s intelligence despite evidence stating he’s a genius.

Throughout The Big Bang Theory and its spin-off Young Sheldon, one universal truth that everyone seems to agree on is that Sheldon Cooper is very smart.

In Big Bang, we see Sheldon as a brilliant theoretical physicist, and, in Young Sheldon, we see a pre-teen Sheldon in high school at the age of 11 years old.

It’s no secret that Sheldon is considered a genius, but a recent semi-viral Reddit post has called the youngest Cooper’s intelligence into question.

Reddit user Trick-Lecture1099 wrote, “Okay, I get that Young Sheldon the smart but like there are so many people smarter than him. That whole classroom in Germany, Page, That little girl from Germany, And even Billy outsmarted Sheldon. With the zero doesn’t exist thing. Play somebody, tell me if I’m crazy or making sense. Cause I have no clue.”

Some fans seemed to agree with the thesis that Sheldon isn’t that smart as another user wrote, “It’s like Mr Miyagi said about karate… he might know a lot but someone always knows more.”

However, the majority of Redditers disagreed with the idea that Sheldon isn’t smart and pointed out that he does in fact have a high IQ, but his problem is that his has a low EQ or emotional quotient.

“He has an extremely high IQ, but an extremely low EQ. While he has some extraordinary IQ capabilities, He also is very gullible and fails to pick up on social cues, such as sarcasm, or easily falls for things others won’t,” one fan wrote.

Others made the argument that, while Sheldon is incredibly smart in his own right, he will always be surrounded by people who are smarter than him when it comes to certain subjects as one Redditor explained, “Many characters are intelligent in ways that differ from Sheldon, he struggles with areas outside of intellectual intelligence but that doesn’t mean he’s not that smart.”

Young Sheldon Season 7 will air until May 16, 2024. Catch up with plenty more great TV shows to stream this month in the meantime.

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