Ronen Rubinstein Reacts to #Tarlos’ Latest Ordeal in 9-1-1: Lone Star, Hinting at a Surprising New Romance

First, the bad news: Monday’s 9-1-1 episode: First, the bad news: Monday’s 9-1-1 episode: Lone Star finds our guys at odds as they prepare to celebrate their first wedding anniversary, with T.K. feeling like Carlos isn’t present enough in their relationship, focusing too much on work.

“Knowing Tim [Minear] and Rashad [Raisani], it never surprises me that they throw some intense drama into these guys’ lives,” Rubinstein told TVLine. “When things start going well, it means something terrible is about to happen. That keeps us and the audience on their toes, which is great. As Tim says, who wants to watch two people, like, having coffee in the morning and everything going great for 12 episodes? We definitely need some drama.”

Now for the good news: By the end of the hour, Carlos has realized what needs to be done. He presents T.K. with an empty box for their anniversary, promising to keep his work files in it entirely when they’re home together. (Side note: We appreciate the dramatic effect of the empty box, but couldn’t Carlos just agree to leave his files… at the police station? Like, T.K. bought him a guitar and paid for his tuition, and Carlos bought him… a box. Oh, and “sex time” is saved anyway, so it’s a win for all of us.) “I love that they always come out the other side better, it’s one of the most beautiful themes of their journey,” Rubinstein says. “The opening scene with the therapist is a perfect example of how committed these two are to doing the work. They want this relationship to work no matter what.” And it’s not a simple matter. Carlos’s father was murdered, and he’s the one who’s responsible for finding out the truth, which is kind of crazy when you think about it.”

Of course, T.K. isn’t the only Strand man whose love life has caught our attention this week. In an interesting but unfortunate rescue, Owen has come into possession of a monster—sorry, a horse—named Thunder. Like Miley Cyrus circa 2010, the animal is untamable, with all attempts to sell it failing in front of Owen. Until Judd suggests that he take the ferocious stallion to famed horse whisperer Marlene (aka Wyatt’s mom). And are we imagining it, or are she and Owen… flirting?

Rubinstein doesn’t think T.K. would get much fling if Owen were to date Marlene, but he’s also not confident about their future together. “Oh man. Owen is definitely hitting, like, zero for seven right now with relationships,” he said. “He could definitely take a few notes from his son’s playbook on how to maintain a relationship. You’d have to ask Rob [Lowe] about that.”

Okay, let’s talk about this week’s #Tarlos-heavy hour. Do you think Owen and Marlene will make a great couple? And what are your hopes for the remaining seven episodes of the series (sigh!)? Leave a comment with your thoughts below.

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