Brian Michael Smith Shares Paul’s “Breaking of Trust” and the Tommy/Trevor Turning Point in 9-1-1: Lone Star

Warning: This post contains spoilers for 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5, Episode 4. Paul’s first week as lieutenant of the 126th has been more traumatic than he’d hoped, but the pain he experiences is nothing compared to what Tommy endures when her love story with Trevor takes its most unexpected turn yet.

Let’s start with Paul: “Being a leader is important to him, but now that he’s got this job, he’s got something else going on—even more than he values ​​wanting to be a leader, he values ​​wanting to maintain his relationships,” Brian Michael Smith explained to TVLine.

Not wanting to be the bad guy, Paul takes on all of his subordinates’ unwanted jobs, eventually getting himself injured in the process. The decision not to disclose that injury leads to unforeseen complications on the battlefield, as well as a stern lecture from Owen, who feels that Paul’s actions qualify as a “breach of trust.”

“Paul has to figure out what his values ​​are and what kind of leader he’s going to be,” Smith says. “He goes into survival mode, putting his body in harm’s way when he doesn’t have to, which ultimately gets in the way of what’s most important—saving people. There are some deep wounds in him that really get triggered [in these situations], and he’s trying to work through that.”

Okay, now it’s Tommy’s turn: despite winning over Trevor’s very difficult ex-wife, who once accused Tommy of poisoning her (it must run in the family!), Tommy is no longer on track to be a missionary’s wife. Hell, we’re pretty sure she’s not even a missionary’s girlfriend anymore. Trevor’s ability to move to Kansas to be with his daughter was a deal-breaker for Tommy, who had strong roots in Austin. The result was a respectful but devastating farewell scene in which they wished each other the best before parting ways.

“First of all, I love Trevor, so I was a little hurt,” Smith said of the shocking split. “They actually got together and started this family. It was sweet. I really love the character [D.B. Woodside], and what he and Tommy have been able to build over the last few seasons.” So I was like, ‘Wait, man, I don’t want to see them break up!’” (For those of you keeping score at home, that’s two breakups this season so far. Owen and Kendra were the first to split, though we didn’t get to see that drama play out on screen.) That said, it seems like no one is truly safe in the final season of 9-1-1: Lone Star. As Smith reminds us, “This season is testing everyone in so many ways.”

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