‘Twilight’: Kristen Stewart Had to Calm Robert Pattinson Down so They Could Film

‘Twilight’: Kristen Stewart Had to Calm Robert Pattinson Down so They Could Film

It’s no secret that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson hit it off when they first met. In fact, Twilight director, Catherine Hardwicke, felt that the actors’ chemistry was so palpable that she warned Pattinson off of dating Stewart. But despite Hardwicke’s warnings, the duo still dated for many years. However, the connection between the actors wasn’t just romantic. They also shared that same vision for Twilight and supported one another throughout the six weeks of filming.

Robert Pattinson took his role in ‘Twilight’ very seriously

Neither Stewart nor Pattinson was interested in making Twilight into a teen romance movie. In fact, the actors often fought with the film’s producers to prevent the film from becoming too cheesy. It would be fair to say that the film’s distinctly emo vibe is due, in large part, to how seriously the actors approached the film. Pattinson, in particular, had a very intense approach to the movie and his character, Edward Cullen. For weeks, the actor refused to speak to his fellow castmates about anything other than the movie.

Kristen Stewart occasionally had to calm her fellow castmate down

Of course, Pattinson’s headiness sometimes caused issues too. In fact, the actor’s commitment to Twilight sometimes sparked a bit of obsession and perfectionist tendencies. This occasionally prevented the actor from being able to film scenes. “Rob really sometimes…we wouldn’t be able to shoot a scene,” Stewart shared with Collider. “It was like, ‘We’re not going to be able to get anything in the can if you don’t just calm down.’”

On the occasions that Pattinson wasn’t able to calm himself down, Stewart stepped in to provide her Twilight co-star with some support. But The Batman actor wasn’t always appreciative of Stewart’s platitudes or words of affirmation. “He hated me too when I did that,” Stewart recalled. “The problem was that any time you’d say, ‘No, you’re really good.’ ‘No! You think that I need that?!’ It’s like, ‘No. I’m just actually being genuinely honest because I really like what’s going on here.’ I think it had a lot to do with the part that he was playing.”

Pattinson got himself very worked up before his ‘Twilight’ auditionPattinson’s intensity could have very well been due to the fact that he was playing such a melancholy and intense character. However, his inability to remain calm actually began before he even got the role. Just before he went in for his Twilight audition, the actor experienced a bout of panic. In fact, he was so anxious about trying out for Edward that he actually told his agent that he wasn’t going to be able to do it.

So just how did Pattinson make it to his Twilight audition, let alone do well enough to book the coveted role? His agent, whom he was living with at the time, encouraged him to take Valium in order to calm himself down. Once he did, Pattinson had the breezy almost ethereal vibe that his character is famed for. It also didn’t hurt that Stewart went to bat for Pattinson over his competition. Clearly, Stewart was a pillar of support for her co-star right from the very beginning.

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