Why SEAL Team Fans Won’t See a Season 8: The Reasons Behind Its Cancellation

It’s always sad to say goodbye, especially when we’re talking about a show that’s been growing in popularity and audience appeal.

So the seventh and final season of SEAL Team – currently airing in the US – is bittersweet as fans prepare to bid farewell to the series and its beloved cast.

According to the season 7 synopsis, we’ll see Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) and Bravo Team enter unfamiliar territory as “they must adapt to a new era of warfare against powerful hostile forces”.

It’s also been announced that the previously in-development SEAL Team movie has been “quietly shelved”.

The show was put into development in February 2022 and was described as “expanding the narrative universe” of SEAL Team – but that’s no longer the case.

David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes in SEAL Team standing behind a lectern about to give a speech dressed in military uniform.

Announcing the series’ upcoming end, executive producers Spencer Hudnut and Christopher Chulack said in a joint statement: “It has been an honor to tell stories over seven seasons that celebrate the courage and heroism of all who have served our country. We are incredibly grateful to our incredibly talented cast, writers, directors and crew, especially the hundreds of veterans who have worked on this show.” They continued: “While we look forward to continuing to focus on areas where we can do better for our service members even after season 7 concludes, we hope that the SEAL Team community will continue to fight to protect those who protect us.” Showrunner and executive producer David Boreanaz also said: “For six seasons, I have been so fortunate and blessed to be a part of such an outstanding cast and crew. Every day is a thank you to the men and women of the military and Special Forces.

“I thank our fans, and I am proud that we were able to make this show shine in the darkness for so many people who are suffering today. I look forward to season 7 and the opportunity to end this series with love and gratitude.”

So, as is often the case with long-running series, SEAL Team appears to be coming to an end. In the US, the series also moved from CBS to Paramount Plus, eventually being canceled by the streaming service.

But even though SEAL Team is over, it looks like the final season will pack quite the punch, as Boreanaz revealed that season 7 could well be his character’s swan song.

When asked if Jason would get a happy ending, Boreanaz responded in an interview with Parade: “In terms of a happy ending, what would make the character more real? Dying on the battlefield? The flag being wrapped on the coffin, being able to push it, understanding what that sacrifice is? That sounds right for Jason.”

Speaking of the final season, Boreanaz also said he was mentally prepared to end the series before production began.

“In preparation, even before the season started, I said to myself, ‘For me, the character is done, I’m done with the series, I’m done with the show whether you want to continue or not.’

“I made that decision from the beginning. Then the writers’ strike happened, and a few months went by. I came to that conclusion before it even started.”

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