With pearls, corsets, and British men making another comeback this summer, you might feel the need to lean into your regal side, and there is no better place than the Bridgerton universe. Maybe you don’t want to dive right into the flagship show or the new season, but what about the 2023’s spinoff, Queen Charlotte? There is no better time than now.
The first season of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story was released last May and followed a young Queen Charlotte and her rise to power. The story is inspired by the real Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and her life as queen beginning in 1814.
Since the series is a prequel, you don’t need to be well-versed in Bridgerton-lore to check it out. Of course, there are nods to various Bridgerton plot points and a few flash-forward scenes that will be fun for fans, you don’t need to know everything about the first two seasons of the franchise to watch the spinoff. In fact, it might be a perfect stepping stone for getting into the series.
Here is the official synopsis:
We meet young Charlotte as she embarks on her life-changing marriage with young King George (Corey Mylchreest) and enters a ton very different from the one seen in Bridgerton. Naturally, a fearless leader like Charlotte is the one spearheading a societal shift that will lead to generations of change in the Bridgerton world.