Justin Hartley Teases Season 1 Ending and Sets Up Season 2: ‘Let’s Revisit’

Justin Hartley Teases Season 1 Ending and Sets Up Season 2: ‘Let’s Revisit’
Tracker star Justin Hartley has teased the season 1 ending, revealing new information surrounding Colter’s father that could lead to a deeper mystery in season 2. The action drama’s finale saw the titular character learn that his father was having an affair with Lizzy’s mother, which his old friend told him she found out about after her mother died. This opens up a new direction for the motivation behind why Colter’s father was killed and how the characters on Tracker will approach this mystery moving forward.

Speaking to TV Insider, Hartley discussed how Tracker’s season 1 ending set the stage for season 2, revealing what to expect from the show next. The actor explained how this new revelation will impact Colter, while also confirming how intense season 2 will be thanks to this new information. Check out what Hartley had to say below: I think it’s great that this guy who has all the answers, Colter Shaw, who understands everything and understands his world and it’s very simple, has figured something out and now realizes it’s completely different than what he thought it was. I like the idea of ​​a twist. There’s a big twist because now it’s like, wait a minute, now there’s someone else with a motive.

Colter Shaw with a gun in Tracker

The guy who killed my dad is still out there, maybe. I don’t know if this guy is still alive or what. Russell [Jensen Ackles] said there was another guy out there and now I find out about an affair and I’m like, wait a minute, there seems to be a very strong motive. I like the mystery of it.

There’s also all this government stuff, and all this stuff where you’re like, “Oh, my dad’s crazy. He’s getting paranoid, the government’s after him, people are going to kill us.” And now the more Colter learns about this, the more he’s like, “Wait, is this guy actually involved in something? Let’s revisit this.” And why are people keeping all this from him?

There’s just a lot of mystery and I love the way our writers ended Season 1 and answered a lot of questions and you felt really satisfied when you watched the episode—at least I did, and I hope everyone else did. But at the same time, it definitely sets up a hell of a Season 2. I love that too, the opening to Season 2 and the cliffhanger ending.

While he still doesn’t have all the answers surrounding his father’s death, Colter’s investigation has led to various revelations surrounding who Ashton Shaw really is. Prior to the events of season 1, he had no idea that his father was working with the government, a new twist that could explain his paranoia. Learning about the incident could exonerate Russell, as it seems his brother didn’t have a strong motive for wanting to kill his father.

Now that the show’s protagonist has more context surrounding his father’s life, Tracker season 2 can explore more closely how all the pieces fit together. It’s possible that the government really did have something to do with Ashton’s death, as he discovered something he wasn’t supposed to know during his contract work. There’s also a strong possibility that Lizzy’s father, or even Colter’s mother, played a role, finding out about the incident and deciding to kill him in revenge. There could be something more complicated going on, with the current clues just the beginning of the truth.

Colter has revealed more backstory in the next season of Tracker, meaning that answers about his father’s death could come soon. However, given the slow pace of his investigation and the much more complicated story that’s emerging, it could be quite some time before he learns the truth. However, season 2 could provide valuable information that will help him figure out what really happened the night his father died.

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