SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Mission Creep

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Mission Creep

Jason returns to Bravo in SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 7, and the situation with Mikey doesn’t bode well for his future.

Ray begins to worry about his impending retirement, and Lisa may be able to make up for Sonny’s mistake.

Let’s discuss the hot topics from “Mission Creep.” The Asia campaign made Bravo one of the best
Bravo has returned to the top of the DevGru food chain.

Their work in Asia has erased any bad feelings that arose from previous campaigns, and the command is prepared to double their capabilities.

The next campaign will allow for more direct action, which is something the team craves, especially Jason, who seems to be throwing caution to the wind as he thinks he can’t find a work-life balance.

Jason solves the problem
Damn it, Jason. Stop whining. For a guy who loves chaos and is always “solving problems”, he has no control over his life.

Yes, he has done bad things in his career and it will be hard to overcome some of them.

But we all struggle with work-life balance. Half of us stay home without really participating in any family activities because we are always busy with work.

That is life in 2024.

His attitude and bloodlust are disturbing, especially when he dreams about his first kill.

We will need more stories about that to figure out how he was able to escape those demons. Hopefully his reckless attitude doesn’t get him or anyone else killed this time around.
Mikey’s Overdose and the Gang Takedowns
And really, is it a coincidence that Bravo is taking down drug cartels at the same time Mikey overdoses? No, because this is a scripted series. Jason will work out his anger about that one way or another.

It’s unlikely he’ll be able to take down the person actually responsible, but with his job, he can do some damage to the source.

By burning down that stash house, he’s made them a target. Do you think some of that money isn’t being sent home in the real world?

Why didn’t the warrant say to seize and use that money? Probably untraceable. Burning it down would be disastrous, but what a waste!

Is Jason’s future behind a desk?
Brass has pushed for a position that will address all the health issues brought to their attention by Jason’s bold move on SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 10.

So why doesn’t he seem more excited about it?

He’s jealous of Ray because his future is set with Spencer House. Ray has goals and plans. Jason is blowing wind. You’d think knowing his actions have made a difference and that he’s wanted to lead the charge would be welcome.

Not necessarily.

No matter what happens, Jason has a hard time taking a position that takes him off the battlefield. He lives and breathes that stuff, and while he wants to change the way the military handles their health needs, he doesn’t want to be the one to do it.

Mandy’s on the edge
It’s great that Mandy’s family now. But she doesn’t want to see Jason back down.

Jason has had nightmares for a while, and he finally shares what he’s going through. The same guy who can’t wait to put his gun on another mission is also filled with shame for what he’s done.

Specifically, he sees an officer removing the prayer beads from Jason’s first kill as a souvenir, and he can’t let go. But Mandy can’t let go either.

She doesn’t want Jason to be “that guy” again. Has he grown up yet? Can he live with what he did? If he doesn’t, he could lose the best thing that’s happened to him in a long time.

He sees himself as an executioner, forgetting that he has two wonderful children he helped raise. Until he deals with his issues, he won’t be fit for anything other than Bravo duty.

“Fire is where I belong,” Jason says. “There’s nothing more to say. I have to do what I have to do.” We respectfully disagree.

Is Ray having second thoughts about retirement?

After a life as tumultuous as the SEALs have lived, it’s no surprise that Ray has trouble imagining retirement.

What I find fascinating is that he’s more concerned about who’s watching out for his teammates than who’s watching out for his family. He’s still in the fight, putting Bravo first and family second.

We’ve seen him hesitate to take on leadership at Spencer House. I don’t know why he’s reluctant, but if it’s not his dream

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