Why Paige’s Incomplete Young Sheldon Arc Is Frustrating

Paige Was Last Seen In Young Sheldon Season 6, Episode 16.

Despite only appearing in a handful of episodes, Paige had a clear storyline that was engaging, especially in contrast with what the show’s titular character was going through. Like Sheldon, Paige is a child prodigy, who may actually be better than the boy genius. Aside from her intellect, she’s also well-adjusted and sociable, but that all changed when her parents split up. She blamed herself and acted out in response.

Grace didn’t have to show up, but offering an update about Paige in Young Sheldon season 7 would have helped with this criticism.

The last time Paige was on the show was back in Young Sheldon season 6 when Missy ran away in her attempt to rebel against Mary and George. Now, her fate is one of the biggest unresolved plots of the series. Granted that she wasn’t an established character in The Big Bang Theory, the public’s investment in the character should have motivated the series to at least give her a proper send-off. Grace didn’t have to show up, but offering an update about Paige in Young Sheldon season 7 would have helped curb this criticism.

Young Sheldon finale’s TBBT connections were minimal, but to make things worse, it also continued the flagship’s failure of Sheldon’s true soulmate.

Paige’s whereabouts remain Young Sheldon‘s most intriguing mystery, and there is currently no potential avenue to address this in the foreseeable future. While the prequel will continue via Georgie And Mandy’s First Marriage, the new show will focus on an entirely new couple who has no ties to Grace’s character. Perhaps if Missy comes back for the upcoming spinoff, she can also recruit Paige to appear.

How Young Sheldon Season 7 Could Have Easily Addressed Paige’s Fate

There Were A Couple Of Ways To Fix Paige’s Mystery.

Missy and Paige sitting in a diner in Young Sheldon season 6

Understandably, the shortened Young Sheldon final season made it difficult to tackle every single lingering plot line in the show before it wrapped up. Aside from Paige’s arc, the writers also failed to offer a resolution to Pastor Jeff’s fate. Some viewers are also not happy with the rushed Young Sheldon season 7, episode 14, which featured adult Sheldon from the future, but wasn’t able to show Sheldon having a proper farewell to his family in Texas before moving to California. Even Meemaw, Missy, and Mary were left with fates in limbo.

Firstly, she and her family could have attended George’s funeral. Considering their ties to Sheldon and Missy, not to mention the return of many familiar faces to share the family’s grief, it wouldn’t have been odd to see the Swansons join the service.

Young Sheldon could have easily addressed the Paige mystery in a couple of ways, though. Firstly, she and her family could have attended George’s funeral. Considering their ties to Sheldon and Missy, not to mention the return of many familiar faces to support the family in their grief, it wouldn’t have been odd to see the Swansons join the service. It could have also made Paige realize the error of her ways, motivating her to stop her rebellion. Otherwise, they could have also done it with a simple reference to the character, offering a proper update after her and Missy’s botched joyride.

Sheldon’s Young Sheldon finale flashforward appearance features a small detail that emphasizes George’s biggest missed opportunity before dying.


Why Paige’s The Big Bang Theory Erasure Is A Big Deal

Sheldon Has an Eidetic Memory, It’s Odd That He Never Mentioned Paige.Jim Parsons as Sheldon making a creepy smile in The Big Bang Theory

Paige’s introduction in Young Sheldon was intriguing because it meant that Sheldon’s story about feeling out of place growing up in Texas as a child prodigy wasn’t totally true. Her existence proved that he had a peer who may have even been smarter than he was. One can only imagine how far Paige would have already gotten if she hadn’t been saddled with family issues, which were made worse by a lack of a support system. Behind-the-scenes, The Big Bang Theory never acknowledged Paige because of the timing of her introduction, but Young Sheldon still could have made amends.

Now, only time will tell if Paige’s fate gets a definitive ending. As previously mentioned, The Big Bang Theory franchise will continue to live thanks to a couple of upcoming spinoffs. Although Holland claims that they didn’t feel the need to add more to her story in Young Sheldon season 7, being always asked about Paige is an indication of how important she is to the viewers of the series. This is why it’s important for the franchise to eventually clarify what happened to her.

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