The Tracker Season 1 finale sets up the perfect path for Reenie Green to join the team.

The Tracker Season 1 finale sets up the perfect path for Reenie Green to join the team.

The Tracker Season 1 finale just set up the perfect path for Reenie Green (Fiona Rene) to officially join the team. After the events of Season 1, Colter Shaw (Justin Hartley) is going to need all the help he can get in Season 2 of Tracker — and Reenie is one of his team’s most valuable assets. Colter keeps a fairly small crew to help him track down missing people for his bounty, making every member of his team vital to his operation.

The first season sets up how Colter gets his paycheck in his nontraditional office environment — the great outdoors. It sets the scene: Colter is a lone wolf, but he has a few close friends he can trust with his life. He works closely with Velma (Abby McEnany) and Teddi (Robin Weigert) Bruin, a pair who help him work cases and provide information when needed, although Colter relies on Bob Exley (Eric Graise) for advanced intelligence. He also gets support from other members of the Tracker cast when the opportunity arises.

Tracker's Season 1 Finale Set Up The Perfect Way For Reenie Green To Join  The Team

The Tracker season 1 finale sets the stage for Reenie joining Colter on his investigations more consistently, rather than him calling her when needed (which turns out to be often). As the episode begins, Reenie is cleaning out her desk when she gets a call from Colter. She tells him she’s busy, and he asks her, “Are you really going to do that?” It’s implied that they had a conversation about what’s going on, but that’s not confirmed until the end of the finale.

Reenie calls Colter to tell him she’s quit and all she wants to do is watch trash TV under a weighted blanket. She reveals that she’s “told her asshole boss” and is clearly taking a few days off to figure out her next move. It seems like Reenie’s schedule has just opened up – and while her future is still unknown – she’s made it clear that she loves working with Colter. Opening up a new storyline for Reenie is one of the things that needs to happen in Tracker season 2, and officially bringing her into his team could be the perfect way to facilitate that.

Reenie assisted Colter in a number of jobs in Tracker season 1. After the first episode, she made sure to be around more often, telling Colter, “Just tell your two herders, next time, I’ll be first on the list.” Reenie made it clear from the start that she wanted to be his ally, and throughout the first season, she was. Although she didn’t appear in episode 2, Velma and Teddi chose to call Reenie in on a case in episode 3. And then in episode 4, “Mt. Shasta,” Reenie showed up in Colter’s trailer with a job for him that she was interested in.

Since it was a personal case, in episode 4, Reenie worked closely with Colter as they tracked down the son of Reenie’s best friend who had been kidnapped. Then, in episodes 5 and 7, her involvement in legal matters for the team grew. She did her best to help people involved in her work with legal work and her involvement got her kidnapped and held at gunpoint in episode 7. Reenie then got her biggest character development in episode 10 and it continued her dynamic character development.
Although she didn’t appear in episodes 8 or 9, Reenie reappeared in episode 10 in Colter’s trailer because she needed his help for another job. A family friend who ran a remote rigging business in Idaho had a plane go missing with his son and daughter on it. Reenie was on the scene again during that time. In this episode, Reenie fully assisted Colter in investigating the case. She uses a rock to smash a car window so she can get information from the license plate, and while investigating the crime scene, she finds a dead body, further highlighting her contribution.
Her joining the team is a natural progression for her story, as Reenie’s role in Colter’s work has grown over each episode she appeared in during season 1. She joins the team to solve a case whenever she can, and she often finds other ways to help Colter out of bad situations that go beyond her legal work. At the end of episode 1, she tells Colter, “You know what your problem is, Colter Shaw? You’re really interesting. And most of the work I do isn’t.”

As the season begins, Reenie doesn’t have a great relationship with Colter, which is made clear when she goes to the jail in episode 1 to bail him out. She calls Colter a “pathological narcissist.” It was a pivotal moment because she set the scene for them. Reenie revealed to the guard that they already knew about the

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