Benjamin Hollingsworth Talks Brady’s Journey in “Virgin River” and Promises a Strong Twist in Season 6

Benjamin Hollingsworth Talks Brady’s Journey in “Virgin River” and Promises a Strong Twist in Season 6

Brady is definitely one of the black sheep of “Virgin River,” although since Brie appeared in town, the character has undergone a transformation. What does Benjamin Hollingsworth have to say about it?

Working for a local drug dealer, thefts, conflict with Jack, and finally being accused of shooting his old friend — Brady’s storylines in “Virgin River” were not pleasant. In Season 4, the character began to get back on his feet, but Benjamin Hollingsworth makes it clear that the troubles are not over yet.

Virgin River — Benjamin Hollingsworth on Brady’s Redemption

Benjamin Hollingsworth admitted in an interview with TVLine that he is a huge fan of the way Brady’s storylines were handled, especially the issue of the alleged attack on Jack (Martin Henderson).

The actor mentioned that an important part of Brady’s storyline is primarily his relationship with Brie (Zibby Allen), thanks to whom he began to get back on track. One of Benjamin Hollingsworth’s favorite scenes is a conversation between the characters, when they both decide to open up to each other and talk about the past and traumas.

Virgin River season 5 — Melissa will stir things up a lot
In one of his previous interviews, Hollingsworth emphasized that this is not the end of the troubles — and it’s all because of Melissa, Calvin’s successor. Are we in for a dangerous twist?

Hollingsworth also talked about what awaits Brady and Brie in season 5, and according to Martin Henderson, season 5 will be the best of them all. Filming has already begun and is scheduled to end on November 30.

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