The Golden Bachelor: Heartbreaker Gerry Turner Is Struggling To Stay Relevant (He Won’t Stop Trying)

The Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner has been hoping to rebuild his reputation after it was torn to shreds post-show, but his struggle to stay relevant has been a failure, and he won’t stop trying. Gerry’s time as The Golden Bachelor was monumental for the series, especially with him acting as the lead for the inaugural season. Throughout The Golden Bachelor season 1, Gerry was applauded for his authentic, kind-hearted approach to dating several women at once, and Bachelor Nation found themselves enjoying the spin-off series more than they thought. Gerry’s time after the show, however, has proven less effective.

During the season, Gerry’s behavior was scrutinized by Bachelor Nation, but he was deemed to be a sweet, harmless older man who was genuinely looking for love after his wife of nearly 40 years passed away. While some were wary of Gerry’s clean reputation, others believed that they could trust him with the hearts of The Golden Bachelor season 1 cast implicitly. At the end of the season, however, Gerry’s behavior from the past caught up to him when an ex-girlfriend shared that he wasn’t the kindly older gentleman he claimed to be. With Gerry facing a scandal, things changed quickly.

Gerry’s Reputation Took A Hit After The Golden Bachelor
He Wasn’t The Kind Older Guy He Seemed To Be

Gerry’s time as The Golden Bachelor seemed like it was going to be a relatively unproblematic turn as the lead, but when it surfaced that Gerry’s life before the show wasn’t as calm as he’d said, things took a turn. Gerry’s past relationship came back to haunt him when an ex shared that he’d tried to keep their serious relationship private. According to Gerry’s ex, the pair lived together during their relationship, and after he broke up with her gave her a difficult time about moving out despite knowing she didn’t have anywhere to go.

Gerry was also insensitive to his ex about an injury she’d sustained, trying to push her to move out of his home with a broken foot and the inability to walk up and down the steps in his lakehouse. Though some of the more personal aspects of Gerry’s ex’s account weren’t able to be corroborated, the logistics of her living with him had been confirmed when the reports surfaced. Gerry’s reputation took a huge hit, but he was hopeful he’d be able to come back strong because of his relationship with Theresa Nist.

Gerry’s Relationship With Theresa Kept Him Relevant
The Couple’s Quickie Marriage Was A Tactic

Although Gerry and Theresa’s relationship seemed like it was good coming out of The Golden Bachelor season 1, the pair had some difficulties they had to address going into a long-distance engagement. Gerry and Theresa were both adamant about staying in their current homes, but living in Indiana and New Jersey, respectively, the pair weren’t able to come to a conclusion on where they should plant roots. Even so, there appeared to be deeper issues in their marriage despite Gerry hoping it would keep him relevant.

Gerry and Theresa’s relationship seemed so good on screen that it, at times, felt too good to be true. With Theresa aware of what had happened with Gerry’s ex, the fact that she continued in the relationship and went on to marry Gerry was surprising. The pair’s live TV wedding was a spectacle of epic Bachelor Nation proportions, but after the dust settled, The Golden Bachelor pair knew that they weren’t right for each other. Even though Gerry tried to keep the relationship together to stay relevant with Bachelor Nation, Gerry and Theresa announced they’d be divorcing after three months.

Gerry Won’t Stop Trying To Stay Famous
He’s Been Chasing Clout

After his divorce from Theresa, many Bachelor Nation viewers were confused by the fact that Gerry didn’t seem to be making a concerted effort to slow down or change his content online. Sharing more to social media than ever about the most mundane and uninteresting things, Gerry continued to post as frequently as possible, sharing more about his life than seemed necessary. Gerry’s behavior was strange, especially because he knew that Bachelor Nation was disappointed in the failure of his relationship.

Now, with posts dedicated to his extensive solo-travels, which he tried to dub with a kitschy name rather than sharing something authentic, Gerry has been grasping at straws to stay relevant. Instead of keeping himself low key in order to allow his followers time to trust him again, Gerry has been sharing as much as possible and over-saturating his own market, making his followers uninterested in keeping track of him. Rather than being authentic, Gerry has been chasing clout.

Will Gerry Continue To Try With Bachelor Nation?
The Franchise May Want To Distance Themselves

Although Gerry made a monumental change to Bachelor Nation and helped The Golden Bachelor reinvigorate the franchise after years of stagnant seasons, it’s likely Bachelor Nation won’t see him back any time soon. With Gerry’s poor reputation, Bachelor Nation is likely to move forward with the Golden franchise away from the first Golden Bachelor lead. Though his reputation has caused issues in his life, The Golden Bachelor star would likely hope to appear on future seasons of the series to stay in the public eye.

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