Will There Be a Season 2 of Netflix’s ‘Queen Charlotte’ Series? What the Cast and Creators Have Said

Though Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is a limited series, the cast has already said they would return for another season

Fans are raving about Netflix’s Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.

Released on May 4, the Briddgerton spinoff series follows a young Queen Charlotte and King George III, tracing the early beginnings of their love story and time on the throne.

The series (and its gorgeous cast) has attracted fans with the intriguing backstory to many fan-favorite characters, including the titular Queen Charlotte and Lady Danbury.

Though the series has been promoted as a limited series, viewers are already craving more. Namely, they are hoping for more spinoff stories for characters such as Queen Charlotte’s right-hand man Brimsley.

Though Netflix hasn’t greenlit the series for another season, creator Shonda Rhimes isn’t entirely opposed to the idea of season 2.

In fact, Rhimes previously joked during the show’s premiere that she was so content with the series, she would be happy to retire now.

“I’m never satisfied when I make a show,” she explained. “This is the first time ever that I’ve made a show that I’ve turned to Betsy [Beers, the show’s producer] and I was like, ‘If I retired tomorrow, I’d be fine.'”

From what the cast and creators have said about the possibility of season 2 to what it what likely be about, here’s everything to know.

How does Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story end?

In addition to recounting Charlotte and George’s early years of marriage in flashbacks, the series also flashes forward to the present day where Charlotte is having a hard time getting her children to produce an heir following the tragic death of Princess Charlotte.

In the end, one of Charlotte’s children announces they are expecting with their wife, meaning that George’s line will continue on. Excited by the news, Charlotte goes to visit her husband, whose mental state has drastically deteriorated since we last saw him.

As she tries to get his attention, she sneaks under the bed like they used to do when they were younger to get him to “come back to her.” The two share a beautiful moment as they hold hands and Charlotte tells him the good news about their future grandchild.

In that same flashforward, Brimsley is still Queen Charlotte’s right-hand man, however, his love Reynolds is no longer George’s right-hand man, hinting that he possibly died in the years that followed.

What has Shonda Rhimes said about Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story season 2?

Speaking with EW following the show’s release, Rhimes teased that she is open to continuing the story.

“There have been questions, but I’m not having conversations about it yet,” she teased. “I could live with Charlotte and George forever, but we told a very specific, closed-ended story that I think is a complete tale of this complicated, imperfect love. But I’m not ruling anything out because I never know.”

What has the cast said about Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story season 2?

Similar to Rhimes, the cast has also expressed their interest in reprising their roles for a second season. Breakout star Arsema Thomas, who plays a young Lady Danbury, told EW she is obsessed with her character and would gladly return.

“I never thought I could love like this until I had my own child,” she said. “I feel like I gave birth, and Shonda Rhimes is her daddy. I am the mommy. It would be amazing to inhabit that space again. But also where we’ve left her off now, she’s a good space. If that’s the last time I get to be her, she’s empowered and she’s ready to walk on her own two feet. But if I do get a call for doing it again, I will take it.”

Freddie Dennis and Sam Clemmetts, who play Reynolds and Brimsley, are also eager to learn more about what became of their characters’ love story.

“What I’ve heard is that he’s on holiday in the Maldives,” Dennis joked of his character, absent in the final scenes, before adding, “I imagine and hope that Shonda has more to say about that. But what we do know is that wherever Reynolds is, they still love each other very, very much. It’s the one thing we held onto. You can see how much Reynolds means to Brimsley in that moment [where he’s remembering]. So their love very, very much runs deep and lives on. I really hope he is not dead.”

The actress behind Queen Charlotte herself, India Amarteifio, is also more than happy to play the role again. “I have loved this character,” she told EW. “She’s fantastic. I feel very lucky to be able to portray someone who’s so complex. I would absolutely love to do something in the realm again.”

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